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Ute Tribe.

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Presentation on theme: "Ute Tribe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ute Tribe

2 What did you Learn?

3 Ute Beginnings Creation Story

4 Ute Medicine Wheel Shows how all life is connected
Very significant in culture Each direction represents life’s journey Pray to the 4 directions

5 Ute Language Numic Uto-Aztecan
Refer to their own language as “the People’s speech”

6 Warrior Culture Skilled Warriors “Raid” culture Very skilled Horsemen

7 Food Hunter Gatherers Eventually become farmers Seeds, berries, roots
Deer, Rabbits, Birds, and Fish Eventually become farmers Corn, beans, pumpkins, squash, potatoes

8 European Contact Spanish in the 1600s Horses Slave trade
Impact on trade and violence with other tribes

9 Ute People 5,000-10,000 people 3 reservation Uintah-Ouray
Southern Ute (Colorado) Ute Mountain (Mostly in Colorado but goes into Utah and New Mexico)

10 Walker War/Blackhawk War
The Legacy of Blackhawk

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