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THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Alex Trichbeck.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Alex Trichbeck."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... Alex Trichbeck

4 Jeopardy Keeping you Abreast Uro and Gyn Oncology Pregnancy Emergency Special Delivery Vulvo- vaginitis PID 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 What factors increase the risk of Pregnancy related death?

6 -Increasing Maternal age -Increasing live birth order
-Absent prenatal care -Unmarried -Minority A 100

7 What percentage of pregnancies spontaneously abort, and by about how many weeks gestation?

8 20-40% by week 8 A 200

9 Is it common for hyperemesis gravidarum or NVP to be accompanied by abdominal pain?

10 No A 300

11 How is HTN defined in pregnancy?

12 140/90 or an increase of 20/10 from baseline

13 What is the treatment for preeclampsia?

14 *Delivery of the fetus A 500

15 How is “True” labor defined?

16 -Painful, repetitive contractions
-Increase steadily in intesity & duration -Results in cervical change B 100

17 If the patient is bleeding, when is it appropriate to do a speculum exam?

18 After US to rule out placenta previa
B 200

19 Name some treatments for signs of fetal distress
B 300

20 -Change maternal position -O2 -Fetal scalp stimulation -Terbutaline

21 Name some techniques you can use if shoulder dystocia is present
B 400

22 -Corkscrew or break the clavicle
-McRobert’s -Drain the bladder -Episiotomy -Suprapubic pressure -Corkscrew or break the clavicle B 400

23 Name some complications of delivery
B 500

24 -Cord prolapse -Shoulder distocia -Breech presentation
-Preterm delivery B 500

25 Name some common causes of vulvovaginitis?

26 -Irritant or allergic contact -Response to foreign body
-Infections -Irritant or allergic contact -Response to foreign body -Atrophic vaginitis C 100

27 Name the 3 most common bugs involved

28 -BV (Gardnerella) -Candidiasis -Trich C 200

29 Which normal flora bug is replaced by anaerobes in BV?

30 *Lactobacillus C 300


32 T/F All pregnant women should have their BV treated?
C 400

33 TRUE! C 400

34 What is the mechanism by which ABX predispose to yeast infection?

35 By killing Lactobacillus, which keeps it in check

36 T/F Trichomonas is an STD?

37 TRUE! D 100

38 Name 2 organisms thought to be responsible for most PID

39 -N. Gonorrhoeae -C. Trachomatis D 200

40 Briefly describe the pathology of PID

41 Ascending STDs D 300

42 Name 3 of 4 risk factors for PID

43 -Multiple partners -Hx of STDs -Frequent douching -Hx of sexual abuse

44 Demonstrate the “PID Shuffle”

45 Let’s give them a nice round of applause!!

46 T/F breast complaints in the ED are usually acutely life threatening

47 Falsies E 100

48 Name some of the common breast presenting complaints to EDs

49 -Post operative complications
-Pain -Mass -Nipple discharge -Infection -Post operative complications E 200

50 Palpating the chest for a thrill is:

51 Part of a thorough cardiovascular examination

52 Name a factor of breast disease history that suggests a benign cause

53 -Change with the menstrual cycle -Symptoms in contralateral side

54 Define Galactorrhea E 500

55 Inappropriate secretion of a milky discharge

56 What’s 100 feet long and smells like urine?

57 Line dancing at the nursing home
F 100

58 What’s the difference between stress and urge incontinence?

59 Stress = pelvic relaxation Urge = detrusor instability
F 200

60 Define “Vault Prolapse”

61 Inversion of the vagina

62 A woman presenting to the ED with ascites has “x” until proven otherwise?
F 400

63 “x” = gynecologic malignancy
F 400

64 List 5/7 factors for “Urethral Syndrome”

65 Urinary frequency, urgency Dysuria Incomplete emptying
Suprapubic discomfort Incontinence Dyspareunia F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Blazing Saddles
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67 What was extended to Bart on his way into town?
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68 A laurel and hearty handshake
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69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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