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Presentation on theme: "Permaculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Permaculture

2 What is Permaculture? “A system for designing agricultural landscapes that work with nature.”

3 12 principles of permaculture
Observe and interact Catch and store energy Obtain a yield Apply Self-regulation and respond to feedback Use renewable resources Produce no waste Mini explanation of each principle This website goes more into depth about the principles: (optional to go over)

4 12 principles of permaculture cont.
7.Design from pattern to details 8. Integrate rather than segregate 9.Use small slow solutions 10. Use and value diversity 11. Use the edges 12. Creatively use and respond to change Continue with mini explainations

5 Open website and explain that this is the chart we used to help decide which plants could best help one another grow

6 Explain the seeds we used
All grow quickly for fast results They’re different sizes for the circle planting of our permaculture garden and they’re all common crops for our regular garden

7 Initial design for Permaculture garden

8 Initial Design for “Traditional” Garden

9 Talk about our thought process in creating both gardens
Permaculture: all seeds planted together, levels of “soil” (soil, cardboard soaked in water, mulch, compost), explain what’s in the compost, circle planting(smaller plants go in middle then the farther out the bigger the plants are) Regular garden: barriers to keep the plants separate, mimics crops set up that many farmers have

10 These are our gardens today
These are our gardens today. Sadly we don’t have any vegetables for you to try yet but hopefully some will spring up soon.

11 Take AWAYS “Traditional” Garden was not as traditional enough, it was still designed Space was limited Minimal resources used Better coordination    

12 Moving forward Maintain Current Gardens Donate surplus to student org
Maintain connections in case of expansion

13 Our WEbsite
Quick overview of our website and what we plan to add

14 Thank you Thank you and happy earth day

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