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ICES developments Han Lindeboom, Vice Chair ACOM

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1 ICES developments Han Lindeboom, Vice Chair ACOM
2nd MSFD Descriptor 3+ meeting, Brussels, April 9-10, 2013

2 Priority issues Ecosystem based management
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Strategic initiative ACOM and SCICOM on MSFD

3 ICES Council recognised that the MSFD posed new challenges
ICES has the CSGMSFD (reports to Council – new chair Bill Turrell) - Steer and coordinate development within ICES - New clients and stakeholders - Identify gaps -new science disciplines Role: link unbiased science with policy needs Living document (MSFD and EGs)

4 Focus areas Support and give advice to regional seas, harmonisation of advice Indicator development Indicators - science/policy interface, integrate across descriptors, link to management actions Tool box for assessments – cumulative impacts, use MSP tools, risk assessment or integrated management strategy evaluations Suite of models (behaviour, impact, socio/economic drivers) Data collection and storing (interoperable, accessible) Integrated Ecosystem Assessments

5 ICES actions

6 Development of Indicators
Operate at the science/policy interface Transparent scoping exercise with policy developers Clarify purpose of indicators and thresholds in management Develop integration across descriptors

7 Descriptor Databases existing Databases developing EG/ Fora Conclusion D1 Biodiversity ICES is developing a biodiversity risk assessment regarding species impacted by fisheries (PSA) 1.1 Species distr. (range, pattern, area) DAT, ICH, IC, RDB ACO WGBIODIV Time series can be delivered for many fish populations 1.2 Population abundance and/or biomass DAT, FIS, IC, RDB EcoQo for Seabirds (OSPAR) 1.3 Population demographic characteristics Time series exist for many fish populations Provide indices for large fish indicator (DCF) 1.4. Habitat distribution BEWG, WGMHM Benthic expertise combined with GIS and data are (upon request) able to provide habitat mapping at the regional sea level 1.5 Habitat extent Expertise from Baltic WGs can be applied with regards to habitat extent across the other regional seas. 1.6 Habitat Condition of the typical species and communities Integrated assessments/ ecosystem overviews WGMHM, WGVHES As part of on-going work developing ecosystem overviews ICES can provide regional descriptions of habitat condition 1.7 Ecosystem Composition DAT, FIS, ICH, IC, RDB WGECO, WGBIODIV As part of on-going work developing ecosystem overviews ICES can provide regional descriptions of ecosystem structure Descriptor Databases existing Databases developing EG/ Fora Conclusion D6 Sea floor integrity Currently provide advice on protection for sensitive species and habitats. ICES also provides scientific support to Member Countries on the interaction of fisheries and the conservation objectives associated with MPAs including NATURA2000 (EMPAS/FIMPAS/BaltFimpa). EBSA revisions for NEAFC/OSPAR. 6.1.1 Abundance of biogenic substrate DOME BEWG, WGDEC Working with EU FP7 project BENTHIS. 6.1.2 Extent of the seabed impacted DCF, VMS WGECO, WGDEC, WGEXT Provide time series of two indicators (under DCF) on the extent of fisheries impact on the seabed. Aggregate extraction is annually mapped. 6.2.1 Presence of particularly sensitive and/or tolerant species ACOM, WGDEC, WGEF Currently provide advice to NEAFC and EC on VMEs. 6.2.2 Multi‐metric indexes assessing benthic community WGBIODIV, BEWG 6.2.3 Proportion of macrobenthos above some specified length/size BEWG 6.2.4 Parameters describing the size spectrum of the benthos WGECO, BEWG

8 The MSFD is about all EU waters
The MSFD is about all EU waters. ICES expert groups are open to all interested experts

9 Environmental data International databases - Long-term data series required for defining targets and setting thresholds for MSFD indicators Collection and storing of data Provision must be simple, integrated and timely. Data from different sources must be interoperable (issue: assessable, ownership and access rights)

10 ICES Data Portal Major thematic datasets include:
ICES provides a regional data centre service for its member countries, including data holding and disseminating capabilities, and is part of a global network of thematic data centres Major thematic datasets include: - Oceanographic (Temperature, salinity, oxygen, …) - Fisheries (catches, landings, size, age, …) - Environmental (Biological and contaminants) Data - Ensure it, Secure it and Distribute it

11 Uses Measures Indicators

12 Integrated monitoring - towards integration of fisheries surveys and environmental monitoring
ICES SG on Ecosystem Surveys, Science and Technology works to: • Develop, maintain, standardize, consolidate and advance assessment surveys • Encourage and support applications of advanced technologies for observing, monitoring and surveying marine ecosystems • Improve and advance survey capabilities in support of the Ecosystem Approach

13 Integrated ecosystem assessment and advice at regional scale
ICES works in all "eco-regions" and in the western Atlantic. It develops methods for integrated ecosystem assessments (IEA) and provides the regional focus for others in the ICES network that want to apply the ecosystem approach. Regional integrated assessment groups

14 The Functioning of Marine Ecosystems Four major Determinants
Anthropocene Energy Man 11-year cycle Natural driver of change Man-made drivers of change Temperate 18-year cycle N,P,Si Setting the stage Determines reaction Habitat Intrinsic properties living nature (Intrinsic properties non-living nature) Info:

15 The Functioning of Marine Ecosystems Four major Determinants
Man Fisheries Hunting Aquaculture Eutrophication Pollution Mining Noise River inputs Waterworks/Polders/Embankments Hard substrate Rotor blades Management CO2 emissions Invasive species Energy Anthropocene Light/heat/kinetic Climate Temperature Wind Precipitation Tides/Currents Nutrient availability Tectonics Volcanism Earth quakes Tsunamis 18-year cycle 11-year cycle + Temperate N,P,Si Intrinsic properties living nature Habitat (Intrinsic properties non-living nature) Biodiversity Behaviour Production Recruitment Predation Diseases Reef building Evolution Regime shifts/sudden changes Resilience/sensitivity Feedbacks Match/mismatch Complexity/chaos Depth Bottom type Currents Salinity Intertidal Waves (splash zone) Thermal vents Gas seeps Ice Biogenic structures Man-made structures Info:

16 The Functioning of Marine Ecosystems Four major Determinants
Man Fisheries Hunting Aquaculture Eutrophication Pollution Mining Noise River inputs Waterworks/Polders/Embankments Hard substrate Rotor blades Management CO2 emissions Invasive species Energy Anthropocene Light/heat/kinetic Climate Temperature Wind Precipitation Tides/Currents Nutrient availability Tectonics Volcanism Earth quakes Tsunamis 18-year cycle 11-year cycle + Temperate N,P,Si Intrinsic properties living nature Habitat (Intrinsic properties non-living nature) Biodiversity Behaviour Production Recruitment Predation Diseases Reef building Evolution Regime shifts/sudden changes Resilience/sensitivity Feedbacks Match/mismatch Complexity/chaos Depth Bottom type Currents Salinity Intertidal Waves (splash zone) Thermal vents Gas seeps Ice Biogenic structures Man-made structures Info:

17 Towards integrated ecosystem assessments and advice
ICES has taken a multi-disciplinary view of regional ecosystems ICES runs training programs to build capacity for scientific advice Step-wise including ecosystem drivers, ecosystem impacts, and interactions with other issues /sectors Considerations of environmental drivers on specific issue Considerations of wider ecosystem impacts of options for societal action Considerations of interactions with other human activities If requested – trade off between losses and gains for relevant stakeholder groups Marine Eco-regions Overviews

18 New activities Updating ICES New ways of working?
- New Strategic Plan (EU will be asked to comment) - New Science Plan and Advice Plan - Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (and hence MSFD) as one core focus New ways of working? - How to use ICES structures in best way for MSFD - SCICOM route too slow and ACOM route too formal ? - Consideration of National Resources - we can not afford duplication

19 Workshop topics MSFD descriptor 3 (commercially exploited fish and shellfish) Status of Stocks Fisheries related descriptors D1 Biodiversity D4 Food webs D6 Sea floor integrity Integrated assessment and Ecosystem Overviews

20 Thank you Questions?

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