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The Reformation Begins

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1 The Reformation Begins
Ch 11 The Reformation Begins

2 *Highly missed questions from Renaissance Test*
Bellringer: Tuesday *Highly missed questions from Renaissance Test* 1. Art Style: Use of light and dark to show emotion in a painting. What am I called? 2. Bankers from Florence set up a system to... A. Determine land value B. Decide the value of currency C. Predict how much commodities would sell for 3. What does it mean to be more interested in worldly things than in religious things?

3 Success Criteria I can describe the causes and effects of the call for reform against the Catholic Church.

4 Early Calls for Reform 6 Europeans began to criticize the wealth and power of the Catholic Church. **1517 Monk Martin Luther questioned its authority. Luther called for the Catholic Church to reform. His actions led to Protestant churches.

5 John Wycliffe Speaks Out
Church officials grew wealthy collecting taxes, some built palaces. The church began selling indulgences. This was a Certificate to pardon a person’s sins. English Priest John Wycliffe told Christians to recognize Jesus, not the Pope as head of the church. Wycliffe translated Bible verses into English.

6 William Tyndale Tyndale translated the first English Bible from Greek and Hebrew. He created the 'Tyndale Bible'

7 7 Who was Erasmus? Christian Humanism. Catholics that wanted to restore faith in the Church. Desiderius Erasmus – people should use reason to become better Christians. Be good everyday. 1509 – Erasmus wrote Praise of Folly. Used humor to criticize the Church and the Pope.

8 Luther's Reformation 1500’s Luther calls for Church reform.
Luther’s teachings led to a religious revolution.

9 Who was Martin Luther? *Luther visited Rome and was shocked by the actions of Priests ignoring Catholic rituals. In Germany he began to question Church policy. 1517 – became angry when Pope Leo X began selling indulgences. Posted 95 arguments (The 95 Thesis) against indulgences.


11 This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.



14 A new Church Luther began to attack the Church, Bible was
the only truth. 1521 – Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther. Luther’s ideas led to the creation of the Protestant Church

15 Revolts in Germany Lutheranism gave peasants hope. Peasants
Suffered from poor crops and high taxes. Peasants revolted against the nobles. Luther supported the peasants, but feared violence. Told Peasants to follow the government.

16 Rulers and Lutheranism
Some European rulers supported the Protestants. 1519 – Charles V – Holy Roman Emperor. Many German rulers became Lutheran to oppose him. Charles went to war with the Lutherans.  Could not defeat Them. Peace of Augsburg allowed a Protestant North.

17 Exit Ticket:

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