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Eega Flatten Garcia Gnanaguruaj Gunter Heidal Hentges Hessen Hunter Jain Joshi Kelly-Moll Krishnappa Ly Mamidala Martin McComas-Bussa Nair x2 Nath Ngo.

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Presentation on theme: "Eega Flatten Garcia Gnanaguruaj Gunter Heidal Hentges Hessen Hunter Jain Joshi Kelly-Moll Krishnappa Ly Mamidala Martin McComas-Bussa Nair x2 Nath Ngo."— Presentation transcript:


2 Eega Flatten Garcia Gnanaguruaj Gunter Heidal Hentges Hessen Hunter Jain Joshi Kelly-Moll Krishnappa Ly Mamidala Martin McComas-Bussa Nair x2 Nath Ngo Nutter Padmanabhan Panda Patole Peterson Prak Rice Sabu Sheikh-Mursal Stavedahl Strand Strohmeyer Suresh Villalobos Younger Allard Andalkovil Arunkumar Bhakta Bhalla BHIMAVARAPU Biju Bilugu Boradia Chermak Christner Das Desai

3 Old Business Practice Scheduling - most have been set.
Team Leadership Positions - Apps were due last weekend Captains’ Report - Bonding at the community center

4 New Business Practices start Monday Team Leadership Positions
What will that look like? Team Leadership Positions Category Mentors Manager Captains’ Report

5 We are doing individual practice times. Starting the week of the 16th:
Most of you have received your information for your practice time and have also confirmed with me that this time and category is acceptable to you. If you haven’t received any communication from me about this that means that you need to fill out the google form.


7 This is what practice will look like.
Week A/B Rotation schedule: Week A - Group 1 will be with Coach Group 2 will be with category mentor Week B - Group 2 will be with coach Group 1 will be with category mentor. You will have the same practice time every week whether you are with a coach or with your category mentor.

8 On your practice day: If you are hanging around waiting for your practice time - you will group downstairs in the commons to bond, do homework, go over lines, work on editing, etc. There will be a captain in the commons for every day that there is practice. When it is time for your practice - head upstairs to E3 and wait politely outside the room your coach is in until they are ready for you.

9 “But I wanna watch my speech-peeps!”
Okay - you are encouraged to sit in on a couple of practices in your category if you can. You do not have to if your schedule does not allow you to. Practices are not open to any outside of the category for the time being. We may open it up at a later date. The goal of the commons is to give you space and freedom to make yourselves a family, but not drive your teachers insane at the same time.

10 Category Mentors Monday - OO and Info = Ben
Great speeches/Creative Ex. = Monali Serious Interp = Sara Tuesday - OO and Ex. Speak = Koushik Humor and Storytelling = Cheyenne Friday - Serious Interp - Bonia

11 2016 Speech Team Manager: Ikran Sheikh-Mursal

12 Captains Ben Allard Bonia Biju Koushik Mamidala text “@kous” to 81010
Feed my Starving Children: Friday January 8th

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