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Report to CalSWEC Advisory Board

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Presentation on theme: "Report to CalSWEC Advisory Board"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report to CalSWEC Advisory Board
Leadership. Partnership. Workforce Development. April 19, 2018 Report to CalSWEC Advisory Board Virginia Rondero Hernandez, Executive Director

2 2016 Strategic Plan Initiate planning process Draft plan
Implementation of 5-year plan April 1, 2014 September November 2015 February 2016 May 2016 Present Stakeholder input Adoption of strategic plan

3 What we have achieved so far
Reorganization of Board Membership and Meetings (October 2017) Organizational Restructure (in process) Executive Leadership (September 2016) Hosting and Auspice (May 2016) Communications (April 2017)

4 Most Recent Accomplishments
Board nominations and seating of new Advisory Board Passage of revised bylaws Enhanced communications Social media presence Tagline Leadership. Partnership. Workforce Development. 2017 Highlights Report New website

5 Grants/Contracts Update
Title IV-E Stipend Program and 2019 RTA Coordination contracts submitted to CDSS. Dean Edelson is brokering a meeting between the UC Office of the President and CDSS re: indirect costs on future contracts. Bay Area MSW Stipend Program completed first year. Latinx Center for Excellence completed first year of evaluation.

6 Program Updates Departure of Dr. Sandhya Rao Hermon in early March
Interim team leads--Dr. Mike Sumner and Tenia Davis Renewed discussion of funding the Statewide MHSA Workforce Education & Training (WET) Program CalSWEC is moving to Haviland Hall in fall 2018! Staff Departures

7 Important Next Steps Convene newly-restructured permanent committees
Capacity Building & Planning Research and Evaluation Policy and Advocacy Create a sustainability plan for CalSWEC Review membership dues/structure Craft a formal development plan Continue to “connect the dots” between emerging trends and social work workforce development needs.

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