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1 Revolutions

2 Glorious Revolution (in England)
Queen Elizabeth – James Stuart - Charles I – Oliver Cromwell – Charles II - James II Parliament ask William of Orange and Mary to take the throne of England upon arrival William and Mary were welcomed by the people and forced James II to flee William and Mary accepted the English Bill of Rights

3 American Revolution British King needed more money to pay for wars- so he charged colonists taxes (Taxation without representation) First Continental Congress met to discuss actions to take George Washington became Commander of Continental Army With victory Thomas Jefferson wrote Declaration of Independence Protected people’s Natural Rights With help of the French, the British are defeated Washington, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin med to redraft the new constitution Created a federal republic (government with separation of powers)

4 French Revolution Three estates- 1. Clergy 2. Nobility 3. Everybody else Only 3rd estate paid taxes 3rd Estate protested multiple ways- lead to battle between Louis XVI and the 3rd estate Storming the Bastille “Let them eat cake” Radicals overthrow and execute the King- Maximilien Robespierre led to power Began the Reign of Terror with invention of the guillotine Politicians turned to Napoleon Bonaparte to help settle the disorder

5 French Revolution con’t
Napoleon rises to power Crowns himself Emperor Napoleonic Code- Enlightenment principles such as equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, abolition of feudalism Begins to expand his empire Changed the map of Europe drastically Failed to take Britain Invaded Russia- Scorched-Earth policy led Napoleon to surrender Napoleon defeated at Battle of the Nations Leipzig- exiled to Elba Napoleon escaped and returned and lost again at Battle of Waterloo where he was exiled to St. Helena where he died

6 Affects of French Revolution
European leaders met at Congress of Vienna to restore stability to Europe Returned principle of legitimacy to European countries Concert of Europe- powers agreed to meet periodically to discuss any problems affecting peace in Europe Alliances are beginning to take shape for future wars

7 Haitian and Latin American Revolution
“Revolutionary fever” had spread to Latin America where slaves were discontent Simon Bolivar (Creole) had traveled to Europe and experienced French Revolution- inspired by ideas of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity Napoleon invaded Spain which gave the colonist the idea to revolt while the Spanish were preoccupied fighting Napoleon Toussaint L’Ouverture (former slave) led the revolt and the people to victory Triggered many other revolts throughout Latin America

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