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The Summer Reading Programme

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1 The Summer Reading Programme
Information for Parents, 2018.

2 Why have a Summer Reading Programme ?
the Summer Reading programme was developed in South Auckland after an in depth PhD research project to help stop what we call the summer slide. the summer slide means that children start the new school year reading at a lower level than when they left school the previous year. students who self select books at the correct reading level and read them over the holidays are most likely to be the children whose reading levels do not slide over the summer. parent involvement and encouragement in reading at home is a key factor in a students reading achievement.

3 What happens students chose the books during Term 3
the books are theirs to keep the books are given out in 2 or 3 ‘drop offs’ over the summer holidays by a school liaison person they read the books over the summer holidays

4 How do we know if the programme helps?
the students sit a reading test just before the end of Term 4 (pretest) they sit another reading test when they start school again in Term 1 of the next year (post test)

5 2017-2018 Summer Reading Programme Results

6 Helping your child to understand…
Reread Reread: read parts of the text you don’t understand again Predict: try to guess what will happen next Question: ask someone if you don’t understand something. Use a dictionary Connect: think about a time when something similar has happened to you Summarize: tell someone else the main facts/events from the text Predict Question connect Retell Retell

7 Supporting Your Child

8 Setting Up for Success make reading FUN and ENJOYABLE – give your child lots of praise set aside 10 minutes a day for reading have a favourite place that you read e.g. under a tree; with the family pet…. let your child see you reading - talk about what you are reading read to your child If your child comes to a word they don’t know, ask “What word would make sense that starts like that?” OR “What do you know about that word that might help?” If they still can’t work it out, tell them and praise their efforts.

9 Our Website New Zealand Summer Reading Programme

10 Programme Sponsors Read Read Read
The MSA Charitable Trust – a private funder who funds the books and school liaison/home visitors Edify Publishers Read Read Read

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