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Omāroro Residents Design Consult Feedback

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1 Omāroro Residents Design Consult Feedback

2 Preliminary Design Consult
Preliminary design consult session 14th March Presented on walking tracks, approach from Rolleston to services tunnel and services tunnel entrance Feedback form provided requesting preferences on options for services tunnel wall treatment(s) and general feedback 19 individual responses received, either on the night or via in the weeks following

3 Feedback Summary Wall treatments Access road surface
Strong preference for planting option (9/19 as first, 1/19 as second) Good support for mural option (7/19 as second preference) Good support for climbing wall (7/19 as first or second preference) However a number of specific comments against the climbing wall also Renders produced in conjunction with WCC show planting option as viewed from top of Rolleston St with/without a pattern treatment on the wall Access road surface Evenly split between grasscrete surface and solid concrete WCC has requested we proceed with a permeable surface

4 Specific Feedback Response
Playground – WCC advise a playground does not align with the Wellington Play Space Policy 2017 School consultation – The CRG is intended to be the only forum for further consultation on design and management plans. School engagement will occur during construction (site visits, school visits by the contractor) Rubbish truck turning at end of Rolleston St – Significant effort went into considering if this was feasible. Unfortunately the proximity of the playing field and gradients/levels mean this is not achievable Hargreaves to Papawai Terr. walkway – Deemed feasible. Keen to know if the community would like us to progress with design and costing

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