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Ephesians 4:1-6.

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1 Ephesians 4:1-6

2 One Baptism

3 BAPTISM “immersion, dipping, ceremony or sacrament of admitting a person into Christianity or specific Christian church by dipping him in water or pouring or sprinkling water on him, as a symbol of washing away sin and of spiritual purification.“ Webster’s Dictionary

4 BAPTISM Not an English Word- Transliterated by John Wycliffe in 1384 Greek Word Means: "the process of immersion, submergence, and emergence." Vine "immerse, submerge." S.Z. "to dip, to immerse, to submerge." J.H Thayer “to make whelmed ..fully wet dip." W.G.

5 BAPTISM Not an English Word- Transliterated by John Wycliffe in 1384 Greek Word Means: "the process of immersion, submergence, and emergence." Vine "immerse, submerge." S.Z. "to dip, to immerse, to submerge." J.H Thayer “to make whelmed ..fully wet dip." W.G. No Implication of Sprinkling or Pouring in the Definition of the Original Greek Word

6 One Baptism of the Bible Requires:
WATER – Acts 10:47 Why is this important? NOT Holy Spirit Baptism MUCH WATER- John 3:23 Pouring or Sprinkling does NOT require “much water” Acts 8

7 One Baptism of the Bible Requires:
COMING TO WATER- Acts 8:36 What did he see? WATER! What did he want to do? BE BAPTIZED! GOING INTO THE WATER- Acts 8:38 Enough water for BOTH of them to GO DOWN INTO IT!

8 One Baptism of the Bible Requires:
BURIAL IN THE WATER- Romans 6:4 Greek word: immerse, or immersion RESURRECTION FROM THE WATER- Colossians 2:12; Romans 6:4 Signifies the DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION of the Lord

9 Bible Baptism Is Preceded By:
HEARING – Acts 18:8 “hearing, believed” Acts 8:12 ; Romans 10:17 BELIEVING- Mark 16:16 “believes & is baptized”; John 8:24 “die in sins” REPENTING- Acts 2:38; 17:30 “commands all men everywhere to repent” CONFESSING CHRIST- Acts 8:36,37; Romans 10:10 “confession is made unto salvation”

10 Bible Baptism is Required To:
OBEY THE LORD – Acts 10:33,48 RECEIVE REMISSION OF SINS- Acts 2:38 Matthew 26:28 “blood… shed for many for the remission of sins.” WASH AWAY SINS – Acts 22:16 BE SAVED- Mark 16:16 “believes & is baptized will be saved” 1 Peter 3:21 “baptism…now saves us”

11 Bible Baptism is Required To:
GET INTO CHRIST – Galatians 3:27 Where are you BEFORE being Baptized? OUTSIDE OF CHRIST Where are you AFTER baptism? IN CHRIST ENTER THE KINGDOM- John 3:5 Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone… shall enter into the kingdom of heaven”

12 How Many Baptism Are There?
As Many as there are BODIES (i.e. churches), LORDS, FAITHS, GODS, SPIRITS and HOPES! JUST ONE!

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