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8th Period Research Biology

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Presentation on theme: "8th Period Research Biology"— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Period Research Biology
Review feedback on Graphic Organizer (from last class) and get ready to make our model Take out… Research notebook (graph-ruled/paper) Packet on research notebook and argumentation (you got this last Thursday)

2 Virtual Lab Seed Experiment
DAY 2: Examining Seeds Virtual Lab Seed Experiment AND Setting up the Research Biology Notebook (a tutorial for you!)

3 Virtual seed lab Parts of an Experiment –
to be determined in every experiment

4 Virtual Seed lab: How do seedling develop over time?
What is the IV for the Virtual Seed Lab? Conditions – see slide 21 What is the DV? Measurement of root and shoot length More on these variables later!

5 Research Lab Notebook - lets get started:
Number all RIGHT pages at the bottom right of the page Page 1: Title Page Page 2 and 3: Table of Contents Page 4 leave blank (just in case) Page 5: Page number Title of Lab/experiment Before you start each lab STOP: did you remember to add the date, title and page number to your Table of Contents?

6 Set up your Title Page: (left side) (leave blank) Example:
. (right side) Example: Research Biology Jane/john Doe Riverside High School, Leesburg, VA 20176 1.

7 Does your table of contents look like this?
(left side) (Leave blank) . (right side) Table of Contents Date Title Page Number 9/9/16 Virtual Seed Lab 2. Set up 2 page (2 and 3) for the title pages)

8 Does your table of contents look like this?
(left side) (Leave blank) . (right side) Table of Contents Date Title Page Number 3. Set up 2 page (2 and 3) for the title pages)

9 Does your table of contents look like this?
(left side) (Leave blank) . (right side) (leave blank) 4.

10 Lets add our Model to the
(left side) (right side) Date VIRTUAL LAB SEED EXPERIMENT 5. Research Question : Research Model (this is an example – draw what we have up on the board!) : Germinating Seeds water CO2 light

11 Add more pages to this experiment:
(left side) (right side) Date VIRTUAL LAB SEED EXPERIMENT 6. STUDENT UNDERSTANDINGS: Write 1-2 sentences about why you think the lab is important to our understanding of science. (generally, see next slide for specifics for today’s lab) References: vpocketseeds

12 Virtual Lab Seed Experiment
In your notebook label page 6 as Student Understandings (see next slide): Write down 4 observations after examining the seeds (examples on the lab table up front or from pictures on the next slide) Draw a germinating seed and label the parts (two slides from now) Write down two questions of your own about the experiment


14 Germinating seed (Shoot) (root)

15 Lets get going with the content:
(left side) (right side) Date VIRTUAL LAB SEED EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: 7. Research Question: Hypothesis: Null (Ho) Hypothesis – the IV will have no effect on the DV Alternative (Ha) hypothesis – If (IV) … then … (DV) Independent Variable: Experimental Groups – Levels of the IV Dependent Variable: Control: Constant: add this after you have more time to examine the procedure – what was held constant? Just fill in the skeleton for now, we will fill in the information on slides 21 and 22!

16 Lets get going with the content:
(left side) . (right side) Date VIRTUAL LAB SEED EXPERIMENT 8. MATERIALS: (should be bulleted) METHODS/PROCEDURES: (steps should be numbered)

17 Example of the Set up for the lab.

18 List of Materials from virtual lab:
Seed packets (this experiment uses Peas, Little Marvel) Re-sealable plastic bags (sandwich or quart size) Paper towels or napkins Water. Tape Cardboard (optional) Paper clips (optional) Binder clips (optional) Scissors

19 Procedures from virtual lab:
Day 1, soak the seeds (this experiment uses Peas, Little Marvel) overnight in water. Day 2, Place a wet paper towel in a ziplock bag and place 5-10 seeds on the paper towel in the bag. Blow air into the bag and seal. On Day 3-4, observe the growth of the seeds.

20 Part 2 – Your experiment Since we do not have time to run this experiment from the beginning, you will be given seeds that have been germinated for 10 days by Dr Biology’s graduate assistant. Bethany Lane has collected so much information from the experiment on seed germination that he needs someone to analyze the data. All the results have been recorded in photographs, including some cool animations. However, Bethany is out sick today and you need to collect the data from the other experimental group and compare it to the control data. Your job is to examine the contents of the Pocket Seed Experiment for seeds that have been soaked overnight and placed in the light for 10 hours and in the dark for 14 hours and kept at 23OC. We will use this data as the control data for the experiment. (this data has been done for you and is located on the Excel spreadsheet from Day 1 of this lab)

21 Virtual Lab Seed Experiment Part 2 (all right side):
We are going to observe the effect of the environment on seed germination and growth With your group pick 1 of the following conditions that you would like to compare (your control is chosen for you and the IV is your selection) Soaked and rotated Not soaked Soaked and no light

22 Virtual Lab Seed Experiment Part 2 (all right side):
Go Back to Page 7 In your notebook under Experimental Design write down the : Specific Research Question (put under title) – based on the IV that you chose! The control – Seeds Soaked overnight (10 hrs light and 14 hrs Dark at 23oC IV- (what are you manipulating and/or comparing to the control?) write down the IV that you chose: Soaked and rotated Not soaked Soaked and no light DV – measurement of root and shoot growth (cm) = the responding variable

23 Virtual Lab Seed Experiment
Paste the table that you have been given in your lab notebook on Page 9 (see next slide) to record your data                

24 Now lets set up the experiment pages?
(left side) (leave blank) (right side) VIRTUAL LAB SEED EXPERIMENT DATE 9. Data Tables: (be sure to include a Title for the table)

25 Part 3 – how to take your data
Go to Dr. Biology’s data site Compare seeds for days 1-10 for your environmental condition and fill in the data on the blank data sheet for Table 2 given to you by your teacher. Compare the data for your environmental condition to the control data by analyzing the graph for shoot and root length(previously completed in Part 2.

26 Virtual Lab Seed Experiment collecting data:
The control data has been taken for you! (see spreadsheet) Compare the results from all 10 different days for your experimental trial. Check the boxes for the days you want to see then click “Compare Plants” Select the pictures to see larger images Measure the length of the root and the shoot using the virtual measuring tool (see next slide for WAY more information) Record measurements in the data table in your notebook Summary of previous slide

27 Add data for your variable?
Follow these directions: To compare the results from days 1-10 for the variable that you picked , check the boxes for the days 1-10 for the seeds in the row for your variable. The boxes will turn blue once checked. (important : you must also check the boxes for days 1-10 for the control plants. This data has been done for you but the program must compare both variables) Once all 20 boxes are checked, click the “compare Plants” button at the bottom of the table. The comparison photos will open in a new window. Click on Day 1 card of your variable to see the larger image (you will have the data for the control (A1) cards, but you do not need to take measurements for these seeds) Measure the root and shoot growth for each of the 3 seeds: The data for A1, Day 1 has been done for you but you can see that it is 0 since root and shoot have not begun to grow. Next click on the root for A1, Day 2 to add a point. Continue to add points for the entire length of the root. The total distance (cm) for the combined points will be displayed at the bottom of the card. (Hint: you will need to click on the root, take the measurement, delete the points and then click on the shoot and take measurements. Look to the upper right corner for instructions on how to delete points. The total distance shown at the bottom left corner is the combined points from the ALL the points that you selected to measure) Now take the measurement for the shoot for A1, Day 2 (it will be 0 also)  Record the results in the data table using the excel spreadsheet for this lab. Repeat steps 2-6 for each day: A1 Day 2; A1 Day 3 etc. As the data table is filled in, how will you determine the average (without having to manually calculate it)?

28 Open up the excel document linked next to today’s PowerPoint on my website.
On the blank data sheet, add your data and comments. The graphs will be made as you enter the data. You must hand draw your graphs NOT copy and paste these ones from excel.

29 Now lets set up the experiment pages?
(left side) (leave blank) (right side) VIRTUAL LAB SEED EXPERIMENT DATE 10. Graphs: Be sure to include the following for your Graph: Title (The Effect of the IV on the DV) Dependent variable on Y axis Independent variable on X axis Axis labeled Scales drawn on axis Key included Drawn neatly (with a ruler – no free Hand drawing of your graph)

30 Analyzing the data: The best way to see the results of an experiment is to make a graph. For this lab, you know that there is is a graph at the bottom of the page that can be used to analyze the data on the excel spreadsheet. Like I said two slides ago, copy the graphs for the Root and Shoot length for the CONTROL and your VARIABLE in your notebook. (you should have 4 graphs – 2 for the control data and 2 for the selected variable) Why did the experiment use a line graph to analyze and visualize the data?

31 Point Graph You could graph all the numbers on a point graph ( figure 1).The point graph shows more of the story, the difference looks bigger, and you can see that there’s one point that looks out of place (dotted circle). This point represents the one soaked seed that failed to grow. When this seed is included in the average for the bar graph, it lowers the average. You might say that because one of the soaked seeds failed that means soaking causes seeds to fail more than not soaking. However, you cannot make that conclusion without first repeating the experiment to see if you get the same results. In fact, scientists often repeat experiments many times before they make any conclusions.

32 Bar Graph You could graph the average of each type of measurement on a bar graph ( figure 2). The bar graph tells you that on day 10, there’s little if any difference between unsoaked seeds and soaked seeds

33 Line Graphs Another way to answer the question is to measure the seed sprouts each day, and graph the averages on a line graph ( figure 3). When we look at the line graph, we see more of the story. It shows that unsoaked seeds take longer to sprout, and that on days 2-9 there is a bigger difference between the length of the seed sprouts, than there is on day 10, when the average seed sprout length is very similar. As you can see from these graphs, you need to use the right graph and analysis tools to write and publish sound scientific results.

34 Compare these graphs: Which one best represents the research question?

Results section – DATA (left side) (leave blank) (right side) VIRTUAL LAB SEED EXPERIMENT DATE 11. Results: Be sure to include the following for your Topic sentence (what is the lab about) Identify the IV and the DV State if the data is quantitative or qualitative Include the means (AVG) for each group What results were discovered? State the null hypothesis. Was the null hypothesis not rejected (never write that you “accept” the null hypothesis) or rejected?

36 Analysis of Data Making Conclusions from the Data for the Control seeds and the experimental seeds on days 1-10: Look at the graph that was created on the excel spreadsheet. Do you notice any trends in the data? Which days do the seeds start to grow a root, or a shoot? Do roots and shoots grow at the same rate? Does the data help us to answer our research questions: How do seedlings develop over time?

Results section – DATA (left side) (leave blank) (right side) VIRTUAL LAB SEED EXPERIMENT DATE 11. Conclusion: Be sure to include the following for your Topic sentence (what is the lab about) What results were discovered? State the null hypothesis. Was the null hypothesis not rejected or rejected? What is the final conclusion – make sure to state the conclusion and add a plausible explanation (why did you observe the results that you did?) 6. Were there any sources of error? 7. What is the next step in this research or Project?

38 *** be sure to go back and fill in the information on your Table of Contents!!!
All Done!!!

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