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Objectives of the Training Workshop

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1 Constructive Engagement and Policy Advocacy Training Workshop August 28-30, 2012

2 Objectives of the Training Workshop
Deepen understanding and appreciation of constructive engagement and policy advocacy ( concepts and tools) Identify concrete action points and recommendations addressing the challenges and opportunities of constructive engagement and policy advocacy

3 Expected Outputs Constructive Engagement Plan Policy Advocacy Plan

4 Process / Methodology Input Video showing Discussion Workshops Games
Host team participation Energizer Time

5 Session 1: Overview of Training Workshop
Day 1 Day 2 Session 1: Overview of Training Workshop Session 6: Experiences of Constructive Engagement in Philippines and ASEAN Session 2: Context and Definition of constructive engagement Session 7: Developing Constructive Engagement Plan Session 3: Governance and Policy Process in Mongolia Session 8: Advocacy – Basic Concept and Strategies Session 9-10 Experiences in Advocacy (Mongolia & Phil) Session 4: Identifying spaces for constructive engagement 4a: Input and workshop 4b: Workshop Presentation Day 3 Session 11: Developing Advocacy Agenda Session 5: Experiences of Constructive Engagement in Mongolia Session 12: Analyzing Target audience and developing strategies

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