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Cost Matrix – Internet and Telephone Rates: Discussion

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1 Cost Matrix – Internet and Telephone Rates: Discussion
Pat Burns, CSU Westnet Meeting, UC Boulder Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:00 – 10:00 AM

2 Theme “Déjà vu all over again.” Y. Berra
“The future ain’t what it used to be.” – Y. Berra “What we call progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another.” Havelock Ellis (1914) June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

3 Outline Westnet history of this topic Survey results and discussion
Cost-based analysis and discussion Housing VoIP Discussion The VoIP “landscape” VoIP trends Colorado MNT effort Discussion June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

4 Westnet History of This Topic
Cost-based analysis of VoIP in the local environment discussed in February 2001 at ASU by PJB BYU, BSU, ... – “hats off” to Kelly, Brian, … kjk announced some time ago that the national discussion was shifting away from cost savings and more toward alternative infrastructures “Stirred into this presentation” – telephony and data rates June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

5 Survey Institutional data Telephone rates Data rates
To compare/contrast with telephone rates See Excel summary spreadsheet June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

6 Survey Discussion #1 – Charge Back
Who charges back for Basic Service (BS), Separately for Voice Mail (VM), Long Distance (LD), 800 calls, Other telephony elements? Who charges back for Internet/Network? Who does now, how? Who anticipates networking evolving to chargeback model, sometime in the future? (Useful chargeback model: monopoly, service that all need, requires significant expertise to operate) June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

7 Survey Discussion #2 – BS Trends
How many see an erosion in BS? Faculty/staff? Students? Hw many have a centralized mobile/cellular plan for faculty and staff? How many publish an alternate mobile telephone number in their LDAP? June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

8 Survey Discussion #3 – LD Trends
Erosion of long distance minutes/revenue Domestic long distance becoming “free” Who is considering bundling LD with basic service for a flat monthly fee? CSU caution if proposed for the residence halls International LD Sustains LD revenue at CSU How are you dealing with Mobile Termination Charges? June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

9 Survey Discussion #4 – Telephones in Housing
Significant penetration of cell phones - discussion Student survey indicates > 90% penetration Anticipate Housing will drop basic service within 1-2 years Trend to the model of 1 “emergency” telephone per wing-floor At CSU, Housing will have to make a formal proposal during the P&B process, before doing this Consider making Housing a deal to retain service as is for much lower rates, e.g. $5/month? Still problems with E911 services from cellular telephones – who responds and how? At CSU, only about 50% of double-occupancy rooms have devices connected But, still lots of 800 minutes from Housing June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

10 Cost-Based Analysis Redux of VoIP in the LAN vs. traditional telephony from February 2001 Did not include staffing in the analysis as it is so variable See updated Excel spreadsheet Can change any assumption June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

11 The VoIP Landscape LAN – how many?
VoIP telephones on a “converged” network Analog gateways, centrally or in buildings WAN – how many? VoIP trunking: could be a gateway to a traditional telephone switch or to a VoIP-enabled LAN For local dial tone “No bid” on CSU’s network services RFP For trunks to long distance providers LD service from a vender, e.g. VoEX Toll bypass To specific sites, e.g. I2 SIP.EDU effort From there to the PSTN (“leaky PBX” model)??? Open source PBXs, e.g. * Anyone using VoIP phones/trunks as an alternate infrastructure for Disaster Recovery purposes? June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

12 VoIP Trends Nationally
Household vendors emerging $25/mo. For local service, unlimited domestic long distance, features (Caller ID, etc.), over another provider’s infrastructure (cable modems, DSL), including 911 services Still very limited number of providers for aggregated services, e.g. for universities VoEX Level3 recently put all services into “suspended animation” Telcos are evolving to IP backbones, including for voice transport: nationally, regionally and in major metropolitan areas June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

13 Colorado MNT Effort In Colorado, DoIT announced plans to implement VoIP as a service over the Colorado MNT Qwest ATM network Architecture being designed (Cisco lobbied for N2 interactions architecture) Central, robust VoIP gateway VoIP trunking Cited “leaky PBX” as design goal – wow! Will see if this “pans out” or just “pans” June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

14 Discussion Of those who have transitioned their environments to VoIP
In the LAN, what have your experiences been? What do your users think? How man 9’s of availability? What about E911? Are there cost savings, and in what capacity? Any experiences with analog gateways in buildings? Any transitioned to in the WAN, i.e. trunking? Comments? How many are contemplating transitioning away from a traditional telephone environment to a VoIP environment? When, where? Why, why not? How many have a centralized cellular provider, managed and billed by Telecom? Includes students? Outsourced program? June 23, 2005 Cost Matrix - Westnet

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