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Genesis Dig Site 8 Blue Level Questions.

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1 Genesis Dig Site 8 Blue Level Questions

2 What did the word of the Lord say to Abram in a vision? (15:1)
Do not be afraid. I am your shield. I am your very great reward. All of the above.

3 What did the word of the Lord say to Abram in a vision? (15:1)
Do not be afraid. I am your shield. I am your very great reward. All of the above.

4 Why did Abram not have to be afraid? (15:1)
The Lord would be his shield and great reward. He did not have to move ever again. His father was coming to see him. All of the above

5 Why did Abram not have to be afraid? (15:1)
The Lord would be his shield and great reward. He did not have to move ever again. His father was coming to see him. All of the above

6 Why did Abram think Eliezer would be Abram’s heir? (15:2)
The Lord told Abram that Eliezer would be his heir. Eliezer was Abram’s son. Abram had a vision of Eliezer as his heir. Abram was childless.

7 Why did Abram think Eliezer would be Abram’s heir? (15:2)
The Lord told Abram that Eliezer would be his heir. Eliezer was Abram’s son. Abram had a vision of Eliezer as his heir. Abram was childless.

8 Who was Eliezer? (15:3) Abram’s son Abram’s servant
Abram’s younger brother Sarai’s brother

9 Who was Eliezer? (15:3) Abram’s son Abram’s servant
Abram’s younger brother Sarai’s brother

10 What did Abram say would happen because he did not have a child
Sarai would get Abram’s inheritance. Abram’s father would get Abram’s inheritance. A servant in my household will be my heir. Nobody would get Abram’s inheritance.

11 What did Abram say would happen because he did not have a child
Sarai would get Abram’s inheritance. Abram’s father would get Abram’s inheritance. A servant in my household will be my heir. Nobody would get Abram’s inheritance.

12 Who did God say would be Abram’s heir? (15:4)
Lot, his nephew Eliezer, his servant A son who is your own flesh and blood Sarai, his wife

13 Who did God say would be Abram’s heir? (15:4)
Lot, his nephew Eliezer, his servant A son who is your own flesh and blood Sarai, his wife

14 What did the Lord tell Abram to look at? (15:5)
The stars in the sky The pebbles in the river The sands in the desert The trees in the valley

15 What did the Lord tell Abram to look at? (15:5)
The stars in the sky The pebbles in the river The sands in the desert The trees in the valley

16 What did God say would be like the stars in the sky? (15:5)
Abram’s wealth Abram’s years Abram’s offspring Abram’s servants

17 What did God say would be like the stars in the sky? (15:5)
Abram’s wealth Abram’s years Abram’s offspring Abram’s servants

18 What did Abram ask the Lord about the land? (15:8)
“How can I know that I will gain possession of it?” “But what about Eliezer?” “Are you sure? That’s a lot of stars.” All of the above

19 What did Abram ask the Lord about the land? (15:8)
“How can I know that I will gain possession of it?” “But what about Eliezer?” “Are you sure? That’s a lot of stars.” All of the above

20 What did the Lord ask Abram to bring? (15:9)
A 3-year-old heifer and goat A 3-year-old ram A dove and a young pigeon All of the above

21 What did the Lord ask Abram to bring? (15:9)
A 3-year-old heifer and goat A 3-year-old ram A dove and a young pigeon All of the above

22 What did Abram do with the animals and birds? (15:10)
He made a special pen for them. He cut the animals in two and arranged the halves opposite each other. He let them go. He made a special meal with them.

23 What did Abram do with the animals and birds? (15:10)
He made a special pen for them. He cut the animals in two and arranged the halves opposite each other. He let them go. He made a special meal with them.

24 What did Abram not cut in half? (15:10)
The goat The ram The birds The heifer

25 What did Abram not cut in half? (15:10)
The goat The ram The birds The heifer

26 What would Abram’s descendants be in the strange country? (15:13)
Strangers Mistreated Enslaved All of the above

27 What would Abram’s descendants be in the strange country? (15:13)
Strangers Mistreated Enslaved All of the above

28 What would happen to the nation that enslaved Abram’s descendants
They would rise to greatness after they asked for forgiveness. They would come to believe in the Lord. They would have to leave their land. They would be punished by God.

29 What would happen to the nation that enslaved Abram’s descendants
They would rise to greatness after they asked for forgiveness. They would come to believe in the Lord. They would have to leave their land. They would be punished by God.

30 What would happen to Abram? (15:15)
He would need to bring more animals. He would never have a child. He would die in peace at a good old age. The Bible does not say.

31 What would happen to Abram? (15:15)
He would need to bring more animals. He would never have a child. He would die in peace at a good old age. The Bible does not say.

32 What appeared when darkness had fallen? (15:17)
A pillar of fire A smoking firepot with a blazing torch An angel More stars

33 What appeared when darkness had fallen? (15:17)
A pillar of fire A smoking firepot with a blazing torch An angel More stars

34 What was happening as the firepot and torch appeared and passed between the birds and pieces of animals? (15:17-18) The Lord was making a covenant with Abram. The Lord told Abram to trust Him more. The Lord wanted Abram to move. All of the above

35 What was happening as the firepot and torch appeared and passed between the birds and pieces of animals? (15:17-18) The Lord was making a covenant with Abram. The Lord told Abram to trust Him more. The Lord wanted Abram to move. All of the above

36 How much land did the Lord promise to give Abram? (15:18)
All the land in the world From the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates The land of Egypt The Bible does not say.

37 How much land did the Lord promise to give Abram? (15:18)
All the land in the world From the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates The land of Egypt The Bible does not say.

38 When did God make the covenant with Abram? (15:18)
The day Abram had the vision about his descendants The day he arrived in Canaan When Eliezer became his servant All of the above

39 When did God make the covenant with Abram? (15:18)
The day Abram had the vision about his descendants The day he arrived in Canaan When Eliezer became his servant All of the above

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