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Avoiding the skills trap

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Presentation on theme: "Avoiding the skills trap"— Presentation transcript:

1 Avoiding the skills trap
Introductions Teachmeet Canterbury David White – Head of Digital Learning @daveowhite







8 Digital Creative Attributes Framework (DCAF)

9 How to operationalise

10 Person focus


12 Skills trap? Simple is good







19 Add collaboration etc

20 Add collaboration etc

21 Add collaboration etc

22 curriculum design in one session
You can’t do digital & curriculum design in one session Simple is good

23 What? – Learning Patterns
Doesn’t say sax

24 What? – Learning Designs




28 Pattern Design Design Design

29 Adaptive interaction Adaptive interaction Pattern Design
Present question to class At key points during class, the teacher presents a question to students with several options they can choose from Adapt teaching according to response Informed by the students’ response, the teacher decides whether to revisit the learning material in question or move on Pattern Present question to class During a two-hour lecture on the basics of business strategy, the teacher presents several multi-choice question to a large cohort of MBA students using an Electronic Voting System (EVS) Students use their mobile devices to respond anonymously and the results are displayed graphically on screen Adapt teaching according to response <30% correct: re-explain concept 30-70% correct: student discuss the rational behind their responses with each other, followed by a revote to determine if consensus has changed >70% progress session (Mazur, 1997) Design

30 Laying the foundations
Before class Students complete ‘priming’ activity to gain basic level of understanding at own pace in readiness for a teaching session During class Students interact with teacher and fellow students to check, reinforce and build on basic level of understanding  Pattern Before the workshop Graphic design students watch a short instructional video on how to create a simple logo using Adobe Illustrator (AI).  The video is made available on a Moodle course one week prior to a more in-depth logo design workshop Students create an example logo using AI and upload it to a Moodle discussion board, along with any comments they have about the task During the workshop At the beginning of the workshop, the teacher facilitates a discussion based around a sample of submitted logos and deals with any ‘pinch points’ raised via the discussion board posts The more in depth logo design activities commence Design

31 Blended Learning Journey
Online Student completes online activities at own pace Output informs subsequent face-to-face activities Face to Face Student’s interact in realtime with teacher, peers and subject matter Outputs inform subsequent online activities Online Student completes online activities at own pace Output informs subsequent face-to-face activities etc… Pattern Online Students document and showcase development of creative work using Workflow Comments are invited from peers and public Face to Face Students present work in progress in crit session Proceedings informed by feedback from online activities Online Students reflect on progress and crit session and update workflow etc... Design

32 Kolb learning cycle Beyond knowledge transfer – it’s in there but it goes further

33 Add the helix Like a spiral of personal development. Scffolding

34 Learning Designs - guidelines
Practical – what are you going to undertake with students Sequential – usually expressed in a number of stages Shareable – could a colleague use the design? Simple is good Can be at any scale – from a single activity to a whole unit

35 Thanks @daveowhite Simple is good

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