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Earth Notes.

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1 Earth Notes

2 Day and Night Earth rotation (rotates): 24 hours or 1 day, counter clockwise Earth rotation causes night and day Earth tilt: tilted on axis at 23.5°

3 Years It takes 365 ¼ days for the Earth to revolve around the sun
Every 4 years it make Leap Year

4 Seasons Because the Earth is tilted, the light comes in at different angles at different parts of the year. This creates seasons

5 Eclipses and Tides

6 Tides The rise and fall of the ocean levels
Caused by the gravitational pull of the moon

7 Tides High Tide

8 Tides Low Tide

9 Tides Spring Tide When the moon, Earth, and sun are in a line
Causes tides to be more extreme

10 Tides Neap Tide When the moon, Earth, and sun are at right angles
Causes tides to be less extreme

11 Eclipses When one object moves in front of another

12 Eclipses Solar Eclipse When the moon is between the Sun and the Earth

13 Eclipses Lunar When the Earth goes between the moon and the Sun

14 Moon Notes

15 Moon Basics We first landed on the moon in 1969
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon It’s about ¼ the size of the Earth It has about 1/6 the amount of gravity The moon shines because of sunlight reflecting off of it

16 Moon Basics The moon is held in place by Earth’s gravity
It takes about 28 days for the moon to go around the Earth It takes about 28 days for the moon to rotate once We always see the same side of the moon because it rotates and revolves at the same rate

17 Moon Basics The far side of the Moon is not dark, it gets just as much sunlight as the near side. Near Side Far Side

18 Moon Phases The moon looks like different shapes because of how the sunlight hits it as it goes around us

19 Moon Phases Full moon

20 Moon Phases New Moon

21 Moon Phases Crescent

22 Moon Phases Gibbous

23 Moon Phases 1st Quarter

24 Moon Phases 3rd or Last Quarter

25 Moon Phases To describe a crescent or gibbous:
If the white part is getting bigger each day we say it is waxing If the white part is getting smaller each day we say it is waning

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