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Day 13: Great Awakening/Englightenment

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1 Day 13: Great Awakening/Englightenment
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute September 20, 2011 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green

2 Warm-Up Describe the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening

3 Motivation Identify the Half-way Covenant admit to baptism, but not full communion the children of baptized but not yet converted existing members. Partial membership rights in the once-exclusive Puritan congregation Explain why church leaders agreed to such a policy.

4 Mini-Lesson/Reteach Review the major differences between the colonies .

5 Great Awakening/Enlightenment
Students will debate whether the Great Awakening or Enlightenment had a bigger impact on American society

6 Great Awakening/Enlightenment
Students will complete the colonial charts

7 Independent Work Complete the other half of the guided worksheet and submit for a grade

8 Exit Ticket Students will describe which movement had the bigger impact on American society

9 Homework Read American Pageant Chapter 4 and 5 Read American Pageant pgs , 68-74, 93-96, These are the sections concerning economics (mercantilism, triangular trade, salutary neglect)

10 Next Lesson Benefits and burdens of mercantilism

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