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2 Markers of Public Relations Growth
United States growth: 200,000 U.S. public relations professionals Employment growth increasing faster than average through the year 2010 The amount of respect and public relations spending are correlated among Fortune 500 companies

3 Markers continued Education growth:
250 colleges and universities in the U.S. and overseas have public relations programs

4 Markers continued Government growth:
U.S. government large employer of public relations practitioners Includes: Army, Navy, Air Force, and the U.S. Information Agency

5 Markers continued Professional Associations Growth
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has 20,000 members in 117 chapters The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) has 13,500 members in more than 58 countries.

6 Markers continued International Association growth:
International Public Relations Association (IPRA) with membership in Latin America, Africa, Europe, and China

7 Public relations roots provide the foundation
“a democratic society where people have freedom to debate and make decisions—in the community, the marketplace, the home, the workplace, and the voting booth. Private and public organizations depend on good relations with groups and individuals whose opinions, decisions and actions affect their vitality and survival.”

8 What is Public Relations?
Defining the field

9 “Public relations is a planned process to influence public opinion, through sound character and proper performance, based on mutually satisfactory two-way communication.”

10 Defining the Field Many definitions
1975 commissioned study found 472 definitions reduced to an 88-word definition. 1980 Task force offered two definitions

11 Public Relations definition by PRSA Task Force:
Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other. Public relations is an organization’s efforts to win the cooperation of groups of people.

12 Marston’s Four Step Model encompasses the process:
Research Action Communication Evaluation

13 R-A-C-E Research–Action–Communication-Evaluation

14 Two Elements that Guide the Process
Management Action

15 Sharpe’s Five Principles
Honest communication Openness and consistency Fairness of actions Two-way communication Research and Evaluation

16 Public Relations professionals serve as interpreters for the organization.
Call out Let me show you the way……

17 Interpretation for management:
Philosophies, policies, programs, practices Convey attitudes Communicate truthfully and correctly

18 Interpretation to management:
Management has a need to know What the public thinks about the organization and its practices

19 What recent events have occurred in which organizations were not interpreting public views?

20 Publics Internal External Interdependence Networks Systems

21 Publics Key groups Classification system based on
Issue, organization, viewpoint, time, Interest, location, values, lifestyle, relationship

22 Who makes up the publics at your college or university?
Clue: Break it down

23 Why are publics important to organizations?
Clue: To know them is to please them.

24 Public relations, marketing and advertising….aren’t they all the same?

25 Marketing and advertising promotes a product or service
Public relations promotes the entire organization.

26 Functions of Public Relations
Writing Media relations Planning Counseling Researching Publicity Marketing Communications Community relations Consumer relations Employee relations Government affairs Investor relations Special public relations Public affairs & issues management Web site development and interface

27 Spin versus Public Relations
Differences Issues Implications

28 How do you answer when someone says public relations equals spin doctors?
Clue: Ethics

29 Competent Practitioners
Do you have the right stuff? Academic background Technical skills Personal characteristics


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