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Finalisation of study report

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1 Finalisation of study report
Aquaculture Finalisation of study report on WFD and MSFD issues European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit

2 Objective Cefas (the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science in the United Kingdom) has been contracted by the European Commission (DG ENV in cooperation with DG MARE) to deliver the project “Background information for sustainable aquaculture development addressing in particular environmental protection” The overall objective of the project is to provide support for the development of guidance documentation for the implementation of environmental legislation and especially the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the context of the development of sustainable aquaculture

3 Process The project commenced with a literature search on European aquaculture, systems and environmental impacts, and a review of European environmental legislation relevant to aquaculture Consultation process: Two workshops were held in Brussels towards the beginning and end of the project Four two-day good-practice workshops have been organised, one in each of the marine regions (North East Atlantic, Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Sea/Danube, also covering freshwater aquaculture) Final deliverable: a report containing background information necessary for the elaboration of EU guidance documents on the correct implementation of the WFD and MSFD in relation to aquaculture

4 Issues identified Areas requiring clarification:
Precautionary Principle, Polluter Pays Principle The adoption of zero nutrient impact When an introduced species becomes naturalised Application of WFD Article 4.7 to aquaculture Areas where a standardised approach across MS is required: Ecological continuity Access to freshwater for aquaculture Discharge parameters and emission permitting Water use and charging for the industry The application of WFD Article 9 to aquaculture Monitoring emissions by the industry

5 Issues identified (cont.)
Areas requiring further R&D and standardisation across MS: Spatial planning and the availability of suitable locations The development, refinement, application and general acceptance of carrying capacity models Provision of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA) Areas where a level playing field is required: Equal rights to space and water as other users Common guidelines for environmental licensing Standard interpretation of EU legislation across the whole of the EU

6 Examples of Good practices across MS
One-stop-shops and streamlining of licensing processes (Norway, Denmark) Development of strategies for aquaculture (Hungary, Greece) Cooperation, dialogue and sharing of understanding between relevant authorities, fish farmers and other stakeholders (Ireland) Spatial planning for aquaculture (Scotland, Denmark, Greece) Consistent and proportionate application to all sectors i.e. a level playing field Risk- and evidence-based approach to determining monitoring requirements Administrative costs proportionate to administrative effort required

7 Recommendations For administrators Consider "one-stop-shop" approach
Provide strategic planning for aquaculture development Integrate aquaculture into objectives & measures in 2nd round of RBMPs Provide Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs) or similar Adopt a risk and evidence-based approach to determining monitoring requirements Develop simple specific guidance for regulators and industry helping those developing new or expanded aquaculture businesses assess whether their planned facilities are likely to comply with the obligations of the WFD & MSFD, good practice guidelines, technical standards for aquaculture systems

8 Recommendations (cont.)
For industry Liaise directly with regulators to achieve a common level of understanding about responsible aquaculture operations Adopt an approach to the management of aquaculture systems that takes into account environmental impacts of the business in a broad manner Adopt aquaculture production system types appropriate to the local environment Adopt practices that show continual improvements in sustainability such as feed, health management, water Adopt practices of self-monitoring and reporting, such as through Codes of Practice, or sector-specific certification schemes, and especially those that may be independently audited

9 Recommendations (cont.)
For further research or guidance Improved monitoring techniques Development and use of technology that will contribute towards reducing environmental impacts More accurate predictive models for the fate of nutrients that originate from aquaculture sites and their cumulative effects, as well as effective ways of mitigating those impacts Development of new, efficient and innovative water processing technology for land-based aquaculture systems (RAS) Development of sustainable offshore aquaculture technology

10 Way forward A draft of the report has been circulated to the participants of all the workshops in mid-September The final draft version of the report will be submitted on the 10/11/2014 taking into account comments from the second Brussels workshop and the WG GES meeting (20-21 October) Next steps to be decided

11 More information Circabc Under L - Other meetings and workshops
08 - Guidance on the development of sustainable aquaculture (MSFD/WFD) Project's website

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