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Mean change in CRT (µm) from baseline to month 12 in patients receiving IVT-AFL. Mean change in CRT (µm) from baseline to month 12 in patients receiving.

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1 Mean change in CRT (µm) from baseline to month 12 in patients receiving IVT-AFL.
Mean change in CRT (µm) from baseline to month 12 in patients receiving IVT-AFL. All patients (FAS): n=334 (month 3), n=338 (month 6) and 333 (month 12); for patients who received a loading dose (FAS): n=267 (month 3), n=278 (month 6) and n=275 (month 12) (treatment decisions were made by the physician). *P<0.001 versus baseline. CRT, central retinal thickness; FAS, full analysis set; IVT-AFL, intravitreal aflibercept. Michel Weber et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2019;4:e000109 © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.

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