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Case for small group discussion

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1 Case for small group discussion
Malleolar fracture Case for small group discussion AOTrauma—Foot & Ankle Module 1a: Ankle trauma—ankle fractures Stefan Rammelt, DE

2 Case presentation 45-year-old man fell from a bicycle and twisted his ankle On examination there was pain on the medial and anterior aspect of the ankle

3 Initial evaluation Type of fracture? Is this enough information?
What clinical evaluation is needed? Is this information sufficient?

4 Examine the whole lower leg What is the proposed treatment?

5 1 3 2 4 4 5 What are the options for evaluating fibular reduction?
Discuss: Open vs closed reduction of syndesmosis 3-D vs 2-D evaluation Radigraphic signs, eg, dime sign, Menard-Shenton line (Weber circle and Weber nose) 4 4 5

6 Postoperative CT scans– criteria
Translation (AP) Rotation Fibular length References: Rammelt S, Zwipp H, Grass R. Injuries to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis: an evidence-based approach to acute and chronic lesions. Foot Ankle Clin Dec;13(4):611–633, vii–viii. Rammelt et al. Foot Ankle Clin. 2008;13:611–633, vii–viii

7 Discussion points One or two screws or even 2-hole plate?
Three or four cortices? When to remove? Alternatively, intraoperative 3-D scan if available

8 Take-home messages Examine whole lower leg in “isolated” medial malleolar fractures, deltoid ligament ruptures, and posterior malleolar fractures Open reduction of the syndesmosis in Maisonneuve fractures Perform a follow-up CT scan or intraoperative 3-D image and early correction in case of malreduction

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