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Neighbor-Joining Tree of B-Class MADS Box Genes from P

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1 Neighbor-Joining Tree of B-Class MADS Box Genes from P
Neighbor-Joining Tree of B-Class MADS Box Genes from P. hybrida, Arabidopsis, A. majus, and a Selection of Other Species.Species names are indicated as follows: Am, A. majus; At, A. thaliana; Cm, Chrysanthemum x morifolium; Cs, Chloranthus spicatus; De, Dic... Neighbor-Joining Tree of B-Class MADS Box Genes from P. hybrida, Arabidopsis, A. majus, and a Selection of Other Species.Species names are indicated as follows: Am, A. majus; At, A. thaliana; Cm, Chrysanthemum x morifolium; Cs, Chloranthus spicatus; De, Dicentra eximia; Hp, Hieracium piloselloides; Hm, Hydrangea macrophylla; Md, Malus x domestica; Le, L. esculentum; Lr, Lilium regale; Os, O. sativa; Ph, P. hybrida (shaded); Pn, Papaver nudicaule; Sc, Sanguinaria canadensis; and Zm, Z. mays. We renamed three of the four P. hybrida putative B-function proteins; old names are shown in between brackets. The tree was rooted with FBP24, a P. hybrida member of the Bsister (Bs) MADS box subfamily (Becker et al., 2000). Altogether, 1000 bootstrap samples were generated to assess support for the inferred relationships. Local bootstrap probabilities (in percentages) are indicated near the branching points. Michiel Vandenbussche et al. Plant Cell 2004;16: ©2004 by American Society of Plant Biologists

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