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ELLs in Texas: What Teachers Need to Know

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1 ELLs in Texas: What Teachers Need to Know
PLC Guide Chapter 1 – Cultivate a Heart for ELLs Click here to view a video from the authors This PLC meeting will focus on Chapter One in ELLS in Texas: What Teachers Need to Know,  Cultivate a Heart for ELLs. Before the meeting begins, make sure that each participant has their copy of the book, pen, highlighter and post-its. For the group, there should ne a board, of chart paper to write on. To watch the video, click on the link on the slide. 1

2 Put it on the Table Think about the story you will share. Identify whether it is a story of challenge or a story of success. Using chart paper (or a whiteboard), create a T-Chart with Challenges and Successes. Put your name under one of the columns. Prepare to Share your story and listen to others’. Give participants a minute to reflect on the story they will share. Have the participants add their names to the side of the T-Chart that represents their story: as a challenge or as a success. Based upon the size of the group, and the time available, let each participant share their story with a partner, a small group, or the whole group.  If time is limited, have each participant describe their story in a few sentences. As the facilitator you may want to set some norms that will avoid veering off the task into extended discussions. Classroom Tip: When asking students to share their personal experiences or their opinions, it is helpful is norms are established for class participation and active listening. By breaking an activity into small, manageable parts you enhance the ability of students to succeed with the overall experience. It also improves the management of the group while encouraging active participation for each class member. This activity can also be done in table/small groups. 2

3 Talk 1 Considering your level of experience with ELLs, do you consider yourself a novice? experienced? an expert? Tell your colleagues why you chose this category to describe your background with ELLs. I consider myself ______, because ______. 3

4 Read Read p. 16 Pay Attention To:
The meaning of “visualize your impact” The question embedded in the text The chart at the bottom of the page Tell participants that when they see the words Pay Attention To on a slide, we are using a version of the PAT List activity found on p. 183 in the book. Encourage participants to take notes, or highlight significant info in the text. Classroom Tip - For ELLs and struggling readers, offering a focus for their reading is very helpful. It also is a form of accountability and a predecessor to full participation. 4

5 Talk 2 With a partner, discuss one or more of the following questions:
Which column in the chart best describes your experiences with ELLs? What do I do in my classroom to build relationships with ELLs I teach? What do I focus on when I think about teaching ELLs? If time permits, ask participants to share their answer to the second question. You might want to capture responses on chart paper. 5

6 Write Look again at the chart on p. 16 and recall the column you chose for yourself. Select one of the bullets in that column and write two to three sentences about it. The following stems may be used if you wish: To me, _________________ means… I think _______________ is important, because… I would like to learn how to… 6

7 Make It Real Read pg. 34 in the book – True Measures of Success.
Choose an ELL to focus on between now and the next meeting. Using the chart on p. 35, identify the ways in which this student demonstrates success. Look for other indicators as well. Prepare to Share Remind participants that the next PLC meeting will begin with a sharing of this task. 7

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