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ICPD Traffic Stop Study
Examined traffic stop data from 2005 – 2012 2008 & 2009 omitted due to missing data
Census and Observer Data
Observations Total Percentage 2010 Census % White 19,391 88.14 82.5 Black 843 3.83 5.8 Asian 854 3.88 6.9 Other 912 4.15 4.8 Grand total 22,000 100.00 *χ2 = p = .999, r =.989
Percentages 2005 Race Total Stops Percentage White 8394 84% Black 892
9% Hispanic 320 3% Asian 242 2% Other 127 1% Unknown 19 .1% Native 7 Grand Total 10001 100%
2005 by Beat Race Beat Number Totals 1 2 3 4 5 Stops Percentage White
1064 2888 2410 1117 693 8394 84% Black 117 357 142 165 95 892 9% Hispanic 42 130 56 54 32 320 3% Asian 45 73 51 40 26 242 2% Other 20 50 27 18 10 127 1% Unknown 6 19 0% Native 7 Grand Total 1293 3506 2691 1395 863 10001 100% Min. Percentage 14% 16% 17%
Percentages 2006 Race Total Stops Percent White 9941 82% Black 1148 9%
Hispanic 463 4% Asian 289 2% Native 5 .1% Other 230 Unknown 27 Grand Total 12,103 100%
2006 by Beat Race Beat Number Totals 1 2 3 4 5 Stops Percentage White
2177 3745 1960 1008 906 9796 82% Black 249 499 129 112 148 1137 10% Hispanic 100 198 53 42 59 452 4% Asian 54 87 52 38 284 2% Other 56 71 37 24 226 1% Unknown 7 8 27 <1% Native Grand Total 2643 4609 2241 1252 1182 11927 100% Min. Percentage 15% 17% 20%
Percentages 2007 Race Total Stops Percent White 7105 83% Black 734 9%
Hispanic 341 4% Asian 227 3% Native 3 .1% Other 105 1% Unknown 11 Grand Total 8526 100%
2007 by Beat Race Beat Number Totals 1 2 3 4 5 Stops Percentage White
930 2776 1213 1089 745 8394 83% Black 121 251 131 89 104 892 9% Hispanic 38 148 43 34 61 320 4% Asian 425 66 47 50 25 242 3% Other 13 31 14 23 21 127 1% Unknown 19 <1% Native 7 Grand Total 1129 3273 1454 1286 960 8102 100% Min. Percentage 15% 13% 11% 19% 14%
Percentages 2010 Race Total Stops Percent White 9311 77% Black 1527
13% Hispanic 593 5% Asian 372 3% Native 6 .1% Other 173 1% Unknown 66 Grand Total 12048 100%
2010 by Beat Race Beat Number Totals 1 2 3 4 5 Stops Percentage White
1677 1729 1758 1869 1588 8621 77% Black 183 451 323 190 285 1432 13% Hispanic 72 181 118 73 121 565 5% Asian 60 85 62 59 339 3% Other 26 19 29 42 54 170 2% Unknown 6 33 7 49 <1% Native Grand Total 2025 2488 2314 2238 2116 11181 100% Beat Percentage 14% 26% 20% 22% 19%
Percentages 2011 Race Total Stops Percent White 10124 76% Black 1489
11% Hispanic 627 5% Asian 419 3% Native 25 .1% Other 165 1% Unknown 485 4% Grand Total 13334 100%
2011 by Beat Race Beat Number Totals 1 2 3 4 5 Stops Percentage White
2262 2663 1599 1993 254 8771 76% Black 232 682 222 159 65 1360 12% Hispanic 122 242 100 62 21 547 5% Asian 94 121 74 68 14 371 3% Other 34 46 29 18 132 1% Unknown 40 77 86 98 305 Native 11 <1% Grand Total 2787 3836 2111 2409 364 11507 100% Min. Percentage 14% 25% 17% 10% 18%
Percentages 2012 Race Total Stops Percent White 9122 74% Black 1385
11% Hispanic 579 5% Asian 528 4% Native 52 .1% Other 194 2% Unknown 507 Grand Total 12367 100%
2012 by Beat Race Beat Number Totals 1 2 3 4 5 Stops Percentage White
2273 1863 2422 1843 181 8771 75% Black 251 427 272 284 60 1360 11% Hispanic 88 172 144 126 19 547 5% Asian 143 89 125 118 15 371 4% Other 44 50 58 27 132 2% Unknown 141 40 78 47 305 Native 13 8 10 17 21 <1% Grand Total 2953 2469 3109 2462 283 11412 100% Min. Percentage 13% 25% 15% 18% 29%
Beat 2 over time
Beat 5 over time
Beat 3 over time
Beat 1 and 4 over time
Generalizations The percentage of minority drivers stopped significantly increased from 2005 – 2007 levels The increase in the percentage of minority drivers stopped was chiefly driven by significant increases in minority driver stops on beat-two, beat-three and among officers not assigned to a beat (designated as beat-five officers).
The Baseline
Beat 2
Percentage of African-America students in Beat-Two schools
Baseline Summary It’s unlikely that the baseline percentage of minority drivers on the road increased in a significant way during the study period in beat-two. NOTE the percentages by race from 2001 Louisville study were: W= 84% B = 9% O = 7% Consequently, increases in disproportionality for ICPD traffic stops on beat-two likely stem from changes in patrol procedures.
The estimated violent crime rates per 100,000 residents in Iowa City
Violent crime rate for neighborhoods located in the south side of beat-two
Violent crime rate for neighborhoods located in the north side of beat-two
Summary for this section
Observation and census analyses show that the baseline of the percentage of minority drivers on the roads of Iowa city equaled roughly 10% during the study period In levels of disproportionality in ICPD stops were comparatively low Levels of disproportionality significantly increased in 2010 and remained stable though 2012 The increase was not likely due to changes in the proportions of minority drivers on the roads of Iowa City Disproportionality increased more on beat-two than other beats during the study period. ICPD modified patrol procedures in in response to perceived increased violent crime in Iowa City. These modifications include the formation of a new sub-beat located within beat-two. This sub-beat is located in an area characterized by a higher percentage of minority residents than other areas of beat-two (or Iowa City).
The Disparity Index Scores > 1.0 Indicate Disproportionality
Ratio of Minority to Baseline Ratio of White to Baseline Scores > 1.0 Indicate Disproportionality
2005 Descriptives Mean 1.71 σ 1.03 Skew 1.45 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 4.91 5 51 4.37 2 263 3.70 508 3.50 50 2.86 4 83 2.55 181 2.51 261
Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 6.0 5 25 5.5 2 776 4.95 31 4.91 1 51 4.6 77 3.5 223 3.0 4 40 2.8 445 2.7 144 2.6 417
2007 Descriptives Mean 1.75 σ 1.07 Skew 1.31 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 5.17 2 359 3.98 1 186 3.78 3 216 3.77 159 3.29 4 56 2.94 65 2.83 5 380
2010 Descriptives Mean 2.56 σ 1.81 Skew 1.52 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 9.00 5 70 7.41 2 186 6.14 69 6.03 137 5.75 3 231 5.31 4 264 4.91 266 4.53 233 4.42 367 4.22 47 3.78 493 3.60 35
Descriptives 2011 Mean 2.31 σ 1.74 Skew 2.03 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 9.00 5 22 7.43 2 418 6.88 337 6.08 3 129 5.73 18 5.27 203 5.20 112 4.45 248 4.15 171 3.38 1 3.13 190
Descriptives 2012 Mean 2.32 σ 1.54 Skew 1.99 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 9.33 2 55 5.59 2-A 261 4.76 5 52 4.37 266 4.29 3 96 4.22 1 144 4.16 313 3.90 139 3.82 218 3.76 † 112 3.61 199 3.50 ‡ 26 3.38 4 461 282
Summary for Disparity Index Analyses
Levels of disproportionality among ICPD officers were comparatively low in 2005 – 2007 Levels of disproportionality significantly increased in 2010 and remained stable in 2011 and 2012. In general, officers assigned to beat-two or beat-five demonstrated the highest levels of disproportionality in 2010 – 2012 traffic stops.
Descriptives 2010 beat 2 Mean 3.89 σ 1.83 Skew .48 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 7.41 2-A 186 6.15 69 6.03 137 4.91 266 4.42 367 4.22 2 47 3.60 35 2.76 196 2.66 269 2.33 102 2.12 291 1.75 159 1.29 183
Descriptives 2010 beat 5 Mean 3.69 σ 2.50 Skew 1.55 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 9.00 float/scat 70 4.53 k9 float 233 3.06 float 323 2.79 283 2.66 35 2.2 56 2.12 189 1.68 918
Descriptives 2011 beat 2 Mean 3.26 σ 1.96 Skew 1.15 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 2 418 337 203 248 190 333 210 238 128 80 294 249 204
Descriptives 2011 beat 5 Mean 5.04 σ 3.21 Skew .107 Officer Odds ratio Beat Stops (L) 9.0 float/scat 22 (V) 5.72 18 (H) 1.30 k9/float 142 (Q) 4.15 171
Descriptives 2012 beat 2 Mean 3.55 σ 2.29 Skew 1.25 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 9.33 2 55 5.59 263 4.37 270 4.18 315 3.82 219 3.54 202 3.38 284 2.56 293 1.94 126 1.69 171 1.10 302 1.02 149
Descriptives 2012 beat 5 Mean 3.24 σ 1.33 Skew .089 Officer Odds Ratio Beat Stops 4.76 Scat/float 52 3.90 k9/float 140 2.48 float 75 1.84 59
2005 Odds Ratio for citations = .724 (1.38)
2005 Outcomes Citations Citations No Yes Total Percent of Stops Minority 831 530 1361 14% W & A 4592 4044 8636 86% 5423 4574 9997 100% Received Citations No Yes Minority Percent Cited 61% 39% W & A Percent Cited 53% 47% 2005 Odds Ratio for citations = .724 (1.38)
2005 Odds Ratio for arrests = 2.54
2005 Outcomes Arrests Arrests No Yes Total Minority 1230 131 1361 W & A 8288 348 8636 Grand Total 9518 479 9997 Arrests No Yes Minority Percent Arrested 90% 10% W & A Percent Arrested 96% 4% 2005 Odds Ratio for arrests = 2.54
2005 Outcomes Search Requests
Consent Request No Yes Total Minority 1299 61 1360 W & A 8479 157 8636 Grand Total 9778 218 9996 Consent Search Requests No Yes Minority Percent Requested 96% 4% W & A Percent Requested 98% 2% 2005 Odds Ratio for consent search requests = 2.54
2005 Odds Ratio for hit rates = .624 (1.60)
2005 Outcomes Hit Rates Search Hits No Yes Total Minority Hits 54 7 61 W & A 130 27 157 Grand Total 184 34 218 89% 11% W & A Hits 83% 17% 2005 Odds Ratio for hit rates = .624 (1.60)
Citations Minority Odds 2005 0.72 2006 0.67 2007 0.86 2010 1.18 2011 1.38 2012 1.44 Arrests ---- 2.54 2.82 2.61 3.08 3.18 2.55 Search Requests 3.42 5.62 2.75 3.89 2.44 Hit Rates 0.62 1.20 0.34 0.44 0.78 0.87
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