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The Four Noble Truths Focus.

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Presentation on theme: "The Four Noble Truths Focus."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Four Noble Truths Focus.
What is the meaning of the Four Noble Truths? Srarter Task - 8 way thinking about Buddhism… Numbers How many... Words Meanings People Who... Feelings Emotions... Nature the natural world/environment Actions What do people do... Sounds Songs/sounds Sights What images represent...

2 The Teachings of Buddha -
The Four Noble Truths DLOs; To have explained the meaning of the Four Noble Truths. To have linked aspects of the Wheel of Life to the teachings of the Four Noble Truths. To have evaluated whether or not the Four Noble Truths are pessimistic, realistic or optimistic.

3 The Four Noble Truths The First Noble Truth.
All life is suffering - Dukkha The Second Noble Truth. Suffering is caused by desire - Samudaya The Third Noble Truth. Suffering can end - Nirodha The Fourth Noble Truth. The way to end suffering is to follow the Eightfold Path - Magga

4 The Four Noble Truths Things to do.
Use the picture of the monks receiving alms to explain how monks detach themselves from vanity about their physical appearance. Explain also how the monks allow people to gain good karma and help people along the path to nibbana. Also; Explain how the Parable of the Arrow illustrates the idea that beliefs can cause dukkha. Explain what is sometimes referred to as the ‘good news’ of Buddhism.

5 The Teachings of Buddha -
The Four Noble Truths Review and Reflect; Make sure you have noted down the key terms for this lesson. Review their meanings. Write 3 questions about today’s lesson. Pass the questions to someone else in the room for them to answer.

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