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Additional Resources (Probiotics)

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1 Additional Resources (Probiotics)
For Matt 5/21/2016

2 What is the optimal Probiotic?
NO single probiotic meets the needs in all patients Consider the disease process Decision should depend upon: Metabolic insult of expected insult Timing of delivery; pre, post, or both Severity of condition Expected duration of need Tolerance Function of GI tract remaining Base decision on scientific evaluation of the data -Dr. Martindale, 2010

3 Summary: Probiotics in Critical Illness
Probiotics must be evaluated; Strain by Strain Effect by Effect Disease by Disease Consider the term “Microbial Therapeutics” When choosing a probiotic consider: Preparation standards Shipping conditions Storage Environment Claims justification - Scientific Data, methods (FISH, 16s rRNA, etc) -Dr. Martindale, 2010

4 General Guidelines for Use
Critically evaluate and use only when data supports Do not extrapolate from one strain to another Identify optimal strain, fiber, and commercially available product: - Probiotic: viable cells per day - Prebiotic: gm/day Continued intake of probiotic may be required to maintain benefits Prebiotic may be excellent option to modify flora on long term basis -Dr. Martindale, 2010

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