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Ideas for RFID and IoT Standardization ?

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1 Ideas for RFID and IoT Standardization ?
Briefing Notes Ideas for RFID and IoT Standardization ? ETSI 3,4 Dec RFID IoT WorkShop © ETSI All rights reserved Footer text (edit in View : Header and Footer)

2 Debriefing Session - Overview
GRIFS FP7 project CEN, ETSI, GS1 Standardisation co-ordination at global level for supply-chain RFID & IoT ITU-T JCA NID Ensure that the liaison between ETSI and this group is active and operational ICTSB European-level standardisation co-ordination – ongoing Plugtests RFID planned for 2008 IoT planned for 2009 FP6 / FP7 Cluster of projects on RFID Source of standardisation topics? Footer text (edit in View : Header and Footer)

3 Debriefing – Security and Privacy
French Govt Encourages coherent approach between different bodies in IoT implementation Call for closer work between users and technology suppliers in defining usage solutions E.g. ongoing co-operation in French Competitivity clusters Privacy: not all applications need be addressed the same way. Segment between world of industrial applications, and world of applications involving citizen What is the scope of the Internet of Things? What involvement of ONS in this? BNetzA RFID tags and readers fall under existing R&TTE Directive Are telecoms terminal equipment, radio equipment Essential Requirements in existing Directive could be used to provide for regulatory standards on privacy of data and prevention of fraud Needs requirements to be established by TCAM Footer text (edit in View : Header and Footer)

4 Debriefing – Security and Privacy
Humboldt University User-centric modelling of RFID usage User perception key to trust and acceptance Destroying or Killing RFID tags at POS destroys any downstream usage in Internet of Things Giving people control over tag-reader communication is key requirement to ensure privacy Cognitive control Decisional control Behavioural control 4 post-purchase tag control mechanisms Kill On-tag scheme User-based PET Agent-based PET Footer text (edit in View : Header and Footer)

5 Debriefing – Security and Privacy
Trevor Peirce Encourages use of HF (at least look at different behaviours of different technologies) Still technical barriers to widespread RFID deployment – so an opportunity to improve on current standards Don’t always rely on RFID-source data – system is not necessarily reliable Legislation on privacy could help RFID deployment – increase clarity Umberto Moran Password-protected tags presented Need to know tag-ID to communicate with it Forces rethink of processes using RFID Alternative approach for certain applications Would provide end-user control Requires improvement in read rates to realise full potential Footer text (edit in View : Header and Footer)

6 Debriefing – Security and Privacy
Define business & use cases Define level of security and privacy required for each case Then choose/define technology to meet requirements Many technology standards already exist Lots of radio interface technologies etc. Need functional specification to provide overview Classify different technologies Classify use cases Classify privacy and security issues and proposed solutions Footer text (edit in View : Header and Footer)

7 Footer text (edit in View : Header and Footer)
Debriefing – M2M ETSI Strategic topic for 2008 Orange Labs: standardisation requirements presented Telenor and ISMB proposal Both propose event-based approach Telenor: API based approach ISMB: XMPP recommended Potential topic for further workshop / exploratory meeting Perhaps unlink from RFID workshop in February? Footer text (edit in View : Header and Footer)

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