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Collaborating to Serve All Our Kids

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborating to Serve All Our Kids"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborating to Serve All Our Kids
All Our Kids: Early Childhood Network Xochitl Sosig Martirosyan, MPH, JoAnne Kelly, MSW, Agatha Lowe, PhD, and Charlotte E. Rodems, RN, MPH Chicago Department of Public Health & Illinois Department of Human Services

2 All Our Kids Networks 12 Statewide Early Childhood Networks
Multi-agency collaboration Birth to Five Project (Government Interagency Team) Funded by the Illinois DHS and Board of Education Administered through local health departments

3 Goals Babies are born healthy Children maintain physical
Parents/caregivers are leaders in their families, the Early childhood System and their communities Goal 1: Families have access to needed and appropriate Early Childhood Services that are responsive to community needs. Goal 4: Early Childhood Services are family-focused, culturally competent, and strength-based Babies are born healthy Children maintain physical and emotional health Children enter school ready to learn Families are connected to services they need Goal 2: The Early Childhood System is comprised of a skilled, competent workforce Goal 3: The community has a coordinated and collaborative system of Early Childhood Services

4 Access to Health Services
Early Identification/ Intervention Provider Resource Cards Family Pocket Guides Family Resource Directory Resource Fairs

5 Provider Trainings Developmental Screenings (ASQ) Customer Care
Disney Model Be Our Guest Cultural Brokering Diverse communities Building bridges

6 Coordination of Care Networking with key agencies
Chicago Public Schools Early Intervention Dept. of Children & Family Services Child care Family Case Management WIC Substance use treatment Prevention Initiatives Community Leaders Parents Social Services Child Advocacy Centers Housing Services Dept. of Human Relations Hospitals Provider Services Networking with key agencies Keeping in touch with parent voice Responding to provider needs Building stronger relationships Increase awareness of services

7 Housing Forums West side community in Chicago under gentrification
Housing stock was scarce Few options for affordable housing Two housing forums held to inform providers and community residents of options

8 Parent Education/Leadership
Parent Board Parent Conferences Parent Cafés

9 Future projects Employment Parent trainings Skills training
State-level collaboration

10 Collaborating to serve All Our Kids

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