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COMPSCI 330 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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1 COMPSCI 330 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Rong Ge

2 Algorithms From wiki: In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is a self-contained sequence of actions to be performed.

3 Designing an Algorithm - Basics
Divide and conquer Dynamic programming Greedy algorithms

4 Designing an Algorithm - Examples
Graph algorithms Shortest paths Minimum spanning tree Bipartite matching Data structrues Hashing Disjoint sets

5 Designing Algorithm – General Tools
Linear Programming Formulation Duality Algorithms

6 Designing Algorithm - Intractability
What (we believe) cannot have efficient algorithms. P vs. NP NP completeness Reductions

7 Final Format 5 problems Problem 1 Warm-up
Possible topics: recursions/running graph algorithms/graph examples Problems 2-4 Topics covered in previous midterms Basic design techniques Graph algorithms Linear Programming There might be probabilities in the problems. Problem 5 Reduction You will be given an NP-hard problem as starting point (make sure to reduce this problem to the new problem)

8 Example of “probabilities in problems”
You are trying to predict the result of election based on available data. There are n states, state i has vi votes, and there are m votes in total. Based on the current data, state i has probability pi to vote for democratic party, and probability 1-pi to vote for republican party. Compute the exact probability of democratic party to win the election.

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