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When opportunity knocks

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1 When opportunity knocks
Luke 19:11-27 NLT 17 “‘Well done!’ the king exclaimed. ‘You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward.’

2 Use my resources to benefit my business while I’m gone
No worries Okay 10 times!! I’m back – what did you do when opportunity knocked? Well done! – I’m happy to entrust you with more responsibility 5 times!

3 Australian Missionary Tidings
MAC in each state Australian Missionary Tidings A public company and registered charity Founded in 1910 Exists to promote and support cross cultural mission in our network of churches. State Missionary Advisory Councils Each State MAC provides an interface between AMT and the State’s local churches AMT Admin Brisbane

4 Opportunities with. amtglobal. com. au
Opportunities with Resourced to take opportunities – How might I participate? Be interested and informed Receive Serving Together magazine Frontlines How to leaflets Attend missionary reporting events Be prayerful Use the Daily Prayer Guide Receive Weekly Prayer Matters Be generous Allocate some of your giving Set aside an amount in your Will Offer your specialist skills Be pastoral Adopt a Christian Worker Visit a worker whilst on holidays Host a worker on home leave

5 Opportunities with. amtglobal. com. au
Opportunities with Resourced to take opportunities – How might I participate? Be prepared Read books about mission Enrol in a short course Do Bible and missions training Be available Seek God’s will and guidance towards; - short term Christian Work - long term Christian Work Some servants respected their master and understood his agenda They thus managed His resources for gain when opportunity knocked Another disrespected his master and misunderstood his agenda His buried resources were unavailable when opportunity knocked ‘Well done!... You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you,

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