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2019 INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Meeting

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1 2019 INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Meeting
Regional Forum For Capacity Development | Partnering for Enhanced Capacity of All Role Players in PFM CAPA’s Strategic Focus on PFM Capacity Building 2019 INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Meeting 3 July 2019 – Tokyo, Japan Elaine Hong, Executive Director, Stakeholders and Strategy

2 33 PAOs across 24 jurisdictions
About CAPA Conceived in 1957 Today, member PAOs represent almost 2 million accountants 33 PAOs across 24 jurisdictions The First Far East Conference of Accountants 1957 Manila, Philippines

3 accountancy profession
Our Vision To be recognised as an inspirational leader for the accountancy profession in Asia Pacific

4 Our Mission To enhance the value of the accountancy profession in Asia Pacific by: Contributing to the development of Professional Accountancy Organisations (PAOs) Promoting ethical values and the benefits of high‐quality accounting, reporting and assurance Speaking out as a voice of the accountancy profession

5 Public Financial Management
Areas of Focus PAO Development Public Financial Management Audit Ethics (NEW!) (NEW!)

6 PAO Development CAPA’s Maturity ModelTM and its guidance series

7 Our Approach Meetings Partnership and Collaboration Speaking Out
Outreach Visits / Roundtables - Influencing decision makers Partnership and Collaboration Speaking Out - Thought Leadership - Advocacy (NEW!)

8 Public Sector Financial Management Committee (PSFMC)
CAPA’S Strategic Focus on PFM : Capacity Building Public Sector Financial Management Committee (PSFMC) Publications Outreaches - Roundtables

Thought Leadership Publications EIGHT KEY ELEMENTS OF PFM SUCCESSTM - To create a comprehensive and coherent Public Financial Management (PFM) System

10 Element 4: Capacity and Capability
“ATTRACTING AND RETAINING FINANCE PERSONNEL IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR” - Multifaceted 9 stakeholder approach to address challenge Human Resources Information and Communication Technology Systems Professional Accountancy Organisation (PAO) Leadership: Governing Body and Senior Management A B C D

11 Element 4: Capacity and Capability
“ATTRACTING AND RETAINING FINANCE PERSONNEL IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR” - Multifaceted 9 stakeholder approach to address challenge

12 30 PAOs across 24 jurisdictions 7 key messages
PAOs Engaging with the Public Sector Survey commissioned by CAPA 30 PAOs across 24 jurisdictions 7 key messages Significant improvements in PFM possible – PAOs could greatly assist through Influencing Demand and Providing Supply

13 Suggested Collaboration / Partnering Approach between SAIs and PAOs
Strengthening PAOs just as important as strengthening SAIs PAOs and SAIs engagement : Two Way Traffic! 2-day Strategy Session - to identify opportunities and strategize Advocacy on “Independence Initiative” - > Public Interest Issue

14 Thank you

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