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A Comparison of Spain and Denmark by Jose Encinas

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1 A Comparison of Spain and Denmark by Jose Encinas
Hello, everyone. Today, I’d like to present a comparison of Denmark and Spain.

2 1. Largest Cities 2. Unemployment Rate 3. Languages
Overview 1. Largest Cities 2. Unemployment Rate 3. Languages I’m going to compare three points for each country: the largest cities, the unemployment rate, and the languages spoken.

3 Largest Cities Population (millions)
I: This vertical bar graph shows the 3 largest cities in Spain and Denmark. E:The vertical axis is population in millions. The horizontal axis is the cities from first to third largest. The red bars are Spain and the blue bars are Denmark. E: The key point is that all the cities in Spain are larger than the largest city in Denmark, Copenhagen.

4 Unemployment Rate Unemployment %
I: This line graph shows the unemployment rate for Spain and Denmark. E: The horizontal axis shows years, and the vertical axis shows the unemployment percentage. The red line is Spain and the blue line is Denmark. E: Please note that Spain’s unemployment rate has had a noticeable decrease while in Denmark, it has remained almost the same.

5 Languages I: These pie graphs show the distribution of languages in Spain and Denmark. E: The left graph is Spain and the right graph is Denmark. In Spain, blue is Spanish, green is Catalan, Valencian and Balear, and yellow is Galician. In Denmark, red is Danish, and light blue is Faroese. E: Please note that 99% of the Danish population speaks the native language, Danish, while only 80% of the Spanish population speaks the native language, Spanish.

6 Conclusion 1. Largest Cities Spanish cities - larger
2. Unemployment Rate Denmark – lower 3. Languages Spanish / Danish In conclusion, I’d like to summarize the key points of my speech. Spanish cities are larger than Danish cities. Denmark’s unemployment rate is lower than Spain’s. Spanish is spoken the most in Spain, and Danish in Denmark. Thank you for listening to my speech.

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