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RN-BSN Ground-Based Cohorts Strategic Plan

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1 RN-BSN Ground-Based Cohorts Strategic Plan 2017-2019
Re-design ground-based courses and explore curriculum revision based upon student feedback and outcomes Maintain national accreditation standards for all programs Support student scholarship and lifelong learning endeavors Encourage RN-BSN students to seek out leadership roles in local, regional and national arenas Develop “Virtual Cohorts” aimed at serving practicing nurses who’ve already achieved their AA Increase cohort capacity based on community needs and availability of faculty resources Encourage RN BSN alumni participation and membership in the DolphiNurse alumni organization 2018 Advance academic/practice partnerships to enhance student learning opportunities Foster innovative teaching strategies designed to meet the needs of professional working students pursuing their BSN Explore the development and implementation of a bridge from LPN to BSN and/or medic to BSN program Explore initiatives and collaborations for a seamless transition from ADN to BSN education, i.e. Dual enrollment options. 2019 Hire highly qualified adjunct faculty to teach in the cohorts

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