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IP Telephony Moroccan case.

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1 IP Telephony Moroccan case

2 Plan Definitions Basic architectures IP telephony: Impact Morocco case
Standardisation, identification, … ANRT, March 1, 2005

3 IP Telephony : Definitions
IP is an acronym for Internet Protocol. It is a communications Protocol developed to support a packet switched network. IP Telephony is the exchange of information primarily in the form of speech that utilises a mechanism known as Internet Protocol. Internet Telephony: the combination of the term « Internet » with the term « telephony » is seen as inappropriate. The Internet offers many capabilities to users including the ability to carry bi-directional speech in real time or near real time. This is considered to be an intrinsic capability of the Internet and not a telecommunications service. ANRT, March 1, 2005

4 Basic architectures PCs through public Internet or private IP network
Internet / Intranet Access Network ANRT, March 1, 2005

5 Basic architectures Traffic between a PC and a terminal attached to a PSTN IP Network Gateway Access Network PSTN /ISDN/PLMN ANRT, March 1, 2005

6 Basic architectures Technology transport for PSTN. Gateway
PSTN/ISDN/PLMN IP Network ANRT, March 1, 2005

7 Basic architectures Interconnection between IP networks via PSTN
Gateway Access Network PSTN/ISDN/ PLMN ANRT, March 1, 2005

8 Souscriber phone to Souscriber phone
ANRT, March 1, 2005

9 IP Telephony : Impact IP telephony has brought about a major paradigm shift in the business of telecommunications and is impacting the communication process in an all-encompassing maner. ANRT, March 1, 2005

10 Price in classical telephony
Prices: impact Direction Price in classical telephony Price in IP tlephony % Etats Unis  Maroc 0.59 $/min (AT&T) 0.349 $/min (Global Net) ≈ 40.8 % France  Maroc 0.302 €/min (One Tel) 0.27 €/min (Digicall) ≈10.59 % ANRT, March 1, 2005

11 Telephony IP: the Benchmark
situation country Free Nouvelle Zélande, Pologne, Etats-Unis, Angola, Mongolie Free if the transmission is not in the real time Hongrie , Islande Free if we have a licence Australie, Canada, Chine, Rép. de Corée, Malaisie. No free Cambodge, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatie, Erythrée, Gabon, etc. ANRT, March 1, 2005

12 Moroccan case Public IP Telephony
Technologic Neutrality: public telephony is subjected to the mode of licences whatever technology used; Private IP Telephony To carry speech is authorized within independant network (authorizations’ mode) ANRT, March 1, 2005

13 Moroccan case IP Telephony service isn’t offered by the incumbent operator (accounting rate); IP Telephony service exists in moroccan companies; Some ISP provide this service illegally : ANRT proceeds to control and conducts inquiries; IP equipment type approval deposit : Why? ANRT, March 1, 2005

14 Moroccan case Manage fraud in IP international traffic;
Follow-up current standardization work at international authorities level; Propose the transfer of DNS management to an independent of operator entity. ANRT, March 1, 2005

15 Moroccan case role of ANRT
Direct intervention Inquiries (article 24 of the law n°24-96) Publication of a decision about IP statute (decision ANRT N°04/04 of April 6, 2004) see web site adress : Indirect intervention Lower prices; Competition setup. ANRT, March 1, 2005

16 Standard Open Settlement Protocol OSP IP Access Network architecture
Y.1231 A Framework for convergence of Telecommunications Network and IP Network technologies Y.1001 Session Initiation Protocol SIP Gateway control protocol H MECAGO Packet Based Multimedia Communications Systems H.323 Titre Normes ANRT, March 1, 2005

17 Identification 2 different modes: PSTN: Numbering E.164
IP Network: Internet Adressing Several options: Attribution of E.164 resources to IP networks Correspondence via an intermediate protocol: ENUM ANRT, March 1, 2005

18 If we compare IP and classical telephony
Price of équipement services band switching No expensive expensive New services few Good exploitation Bad exploitation paquets circuits IP Telephony Classical Telephony No good good QS ANRT, March 1, 2005

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