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Honors Lab Safety Comic

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Lab Safety Comic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors Lab Safety Comic
Divide your paper into 6 sections. (5 points) 2. Write a title and heading in the first box.  3. Make a sequential comic strip illustrating lab safety rules. This should a continuing story with the same character(s). (5 points) - 1 safety rule in each of the sections. - Characters should be explaining the rules in ink/marker. - Illustrate & color (4 colors minimum) each safety rule. 4. No stick figures. Use your handout and p to help you

2 Honors Lab Safety Poster
Create a title at the top.  (5 points) 2. Make a lab safety poster illustrating correct AND incorrect lab safety rules bring used. - At least 8 characters - 4 correct safety rules - 4 incorrect safety rules 3. Include captions for each characters (What are they doing that is right/wrong?) 4. 4 colors minimum overall 5. No stick figures. Use your handout and p to help you



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