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Disciplinary Ways of Seeing

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1 Disciplinary Ways of Seeing
Next to personal FBIs, your disciplinary FBIs probably shape your thinking most A discipline can be academic, avocational, vocational, recreational, etc. These are LEARNED perspectives that let you “think like people in this field do” How strong are your disciplinary FBIs?

2 Number your paper from 1-10.
Let’s find out. Number your paper from 1-10.












14 What does it mean to “think in a discipline”?
Know what ideas are central to that discipline—its f & p concepts Understand the logic of the field and its point of view Know the symbol system(s) of that discipline (terms, jargon, shorthand, forms) Understand what you bring to the field (point of view, impediments, filters, etc.)

15 Academic Disciplines The way we see knowledge is deeply rooted in where our vantage point is located—the discipline from which we view the information and try to make knowledge out of it.

16 How do you learn to think in a discipline?
Instruction (textbooks) & testing: often from intro to advanced courses Observation and practice (fieldwork, internships, labs, practicums, etc.) Experience (actually doing it) Engagement (journals, conferences, talking to other practitioners)

17 Questioning…. The fundamental and powerful questions in each discipline are based on different concepts and assumptions. Because they have different points of view and use different kinds of information, they may put different priorities on the questions being asked. For instance…

18 How do you think in your disciplines?

19 For next class: Work out the logic of the field you are studying (use the example on pp in Nosich as a model) and post it to We will be using some of the examples in class for discussion. If you don’t yet have a major, pick one of your Gen Ed courses for this semester and analyze the logic of its field.

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