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Passive Voice Revision

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1 Passive Voice Revision

2 What is Passive Voice? Occurs when the writer places a be verb in front of the verb in a sentence. Be verbs include: have, has , had, be being been, am, were Present Negative Interrogative I am I am not Am I? You are You are not (aren't) Are you? He is He is not (isn't) Is he? She is She is not (isn't) Is she? It is It is not (isn't) Isn't it? We are We are not (aren't) Are we? They are They are not (aren't) Are they?

3 How to Fix: Locate the passive verb- usually “was” “be” “are”
Identify the word in the sentence that performs the action and make it the subject Eliminate the be verb Suggestions: figure out what the subject in the sentence is and make sure it is doing the action.

4 GUIDED PRACTICE Directions: As you re-write the following sentences, change Passive verbs into active verbs. 1. Tracy was featured by Dan Rather on the nightly news. ANSWER: Dan Rather featured Tracy on the nightly news. 2. Tracy was interviewed by several reporters. ANSWER: Several reporters interviewed Tracy.

5 Fix the Paper Go to “File” “options” “proofing”
Scroll down to the section of When correcting spelling and grammar: Go to the drop down box and change it to “ Grammar and Style” Select “Recheck Document” Save. All passive voice will be underlined in blue Right click on the blue line to get suggestions for editing

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