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FORTH 3D Modelling Issues addressed:

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1 FORTH 3D Modelling Issues addressed:
Issues addressed: Simulation of experimental PC samples Simulation of bulk photonic crystals    Losses:       Dependence on the hole depth Dependence on the width of the guiding layer Effect of the conical shape of the holes T in the gap? 2D versus 3D modelling Examination-validation of the 2D model: 3D ≈ [2D+ε’’]   

2 3D FDTD simulation of experimental samples
~ΙWΚ2 ~IOO3 ε=1, d=200nm ε=10.106, d=200 ε= , d=452 ε=10.106, d=800 ε=9.9225, d=1400 ε=1, d=200nm ε= , d=200 ε= , d=434 ε= , d=2200 Depth=1.5 & 2.5μm a=240 & 420 nm Depth= 2.5μm, a= 420 nm ~IOO3

3 IWK2, ΓM, f=0.3, depth=1.5 μm Experimental lattice constant: a=240 nm to a=500 nm. Exper. hole depth: 1.5 μm to 2.5 μm.

4 Smaller f  smaller influence of the conical shape
Effect of conical holes? Smaller f  smaller influence of the conical shape Conical holes destroy the “PBG mode – layers mode” mismatch Straight h. Conical h. Field |E| for the ~IOO3 (f=0.51, depth=2.5 μm)

5 (more confined guided mode for a =240 nm  less influenced by depth)
T versus hole depth Legends show total depth T(a=240 nm) > T(a=420 nm) (more confined guided mode for a =240 nm  less influenced by depth)

6 Transmission in the gap?
Pulse inside the gap; a=240 nm, IWK2 parameters, depth=1.5 μm, f=30% The horizontal lines where the field shows peaks correspond to the guiding layer – claddings interfaces. IWK2: Monochromatic wave, a=420 nm, a/λ=0.27, depth=834 nm, f=30% The black arrows show layers interfaces. The white arrow shows the holes bottom. IOO3: Monochromatic wave, a=420 nm, a/λ=0.35, depth=2.5 μm, f=51% The horizontal lines where the field shows peaks correspond to the layers interfaces. The arrow shows the holes bottom.

7 3D FDTD ≈ 2D FDTD with εeff and feff
2D versus 3D GK direction, 8-unit cells. 2D FDTD: e=10.3, f=38%, e”=0.05. 3D FDTD: f=35%, a=420 nm, depth=2.5 μm,InP structure, straight holes GK direction, 8-unit cells. 2D FDTD: e=10.3, f=38%, e”=0.12. 3D FDTD: f=35%, a=420 nm, depth=2.5 μm,InP structure, conical holes 3D FDTD ≈ 2D FDTD with εeff and feff

8 T versus length of the system
T(L)1-bLn with n=1/4 and b constant

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