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The Community Reinvestment Act

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1 The Community Reinvestment Act
Building Michigan Communities Conference April 29, 2019 Paul Ginger, District Community Affairs Officer Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

2 Developing Bank Partnerships
Bank Motives for Partnerships: Welfare of the community and the bank Market Share Income and profits Risk Mitigation Reputation Community Reinvestment Act

3 CRA Basics – Obligations of Banks
The Community Reinvestment Act Federal law passed in 1977 that encourages banks to meet the credit needs of the communities they’re chartered to serve Including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods Consistent with safety and soundness

4 CRA Basics – Bank Regulators
CRA applies to banks regulated by: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Federal Reserve Banks

5 CRA Basics – Duties of Regulators
Congress directed regulators to … Evaluate how well each bank meets the credit needs of its community, and assign one of these public ratings to every bank: Outstanding Satisfactory Needs to Improve Substantial Noncompliance

6 CRA Basics – Duties of Regulators
CRA also requires the regulators to: Issue a public report containing the facts and data underlying each rating Take a bank’s rating into account when reviewing certain applications from the bank Encourage banks to help meet credit needs in their communities

7 Sizes of Banks Under CRA
Small Banks TA <$321 million* (about 70% of all banks) 1 CRA test: Lending Intermediate Small Banks (ISB) $321 million - $1.284 billion* (20% - 25% of banks) 2 CRA tests: Lending + Community Development (CD) Large Banks > $1.284 billion* (5% - 10% of banks) 3 CRA tests: Lending + CD Investments + Services *effective 1/1/2019: thresholds updated annually

8 CRA – Lending Evaluation
3 main concerns of all bankers monitoring their lending for CRA: Activity – Is the bank actively lending? Geography – Is the bank lending in its Assessment Area and in LMI areas in its AA? Variety – Is the bank lending to borrowers with different incomes in its AA?

9 Small Bank CRA Exam Lending Test = 100% of rating Evaluation criteria:
Loan to deposit ratio In / out ratio Geographic distribution Borrower distribution Responses to complaints

10 Intermediate Small Bank CRA Exam
Community Development (CD) Test Lending Test Criteria: Loan to deposit ratio In / out ratio Borrower distribution Geographic distribution Responses to complaints CD Loans CD Investments CD Services Responsiveness to needs The bank must be rated Satisfactory on both tests to be Satisfactory overall

11 Large Bank CRA Exam Lending Test Lending activity
Geographic distribution Borrower distribution CD Loans Innovative & flexible lending practices 50% of rating Investment Test # and $ amount of CD Investments Innovative, complex, responsive and whether generally available 25% of rating Service Test Retail services provided to people and areas with different income levels CD services

12 Community Development under CRA
Affordable housing for low- and moderate-income persons Community services targeted primarily to LMI persons Economic development activities that help finance small businesses or farms or that provide job training Revitalization or Stabilization activities in: LMI census tracts Underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income census tracts Distressed nonmetropolitan middle-income census tracts Certain designated disaster areas

13 Community Development Investments
Examples of CD investments include … Donations to Housing counseling agencies Affordable housing developers Small business development organizations Workforce development programs Homeless shelters Food banks and soup kitchens Battered women’s shelters Alcohol and drug recovery centers Youth programs targeted to LMI youths Health care facilities that serve primarily LMI persons

14 Community Development Investments
Examples of CD Investments also include: Funding a down payment assistance program Investments in CDFIs Investments in loan pools for LMI borrowers or small businesses Deposits in Low Income Credit Unions Low-Income Housing Tax Credits Small Business Investment Companies

15 Community Development Services
Examples of retail CD Services include: Providing credit counseling to LMI persons Teaching a unit of a homebuyer counseling program A school saving program for kids from LMI families Providing credit-builder loans targeted to LMI persons Providing responsible small-dollar loans

16 Community Development Services
Examples of CD Services to nonprofits include: Participation in an IDA program Service on a board or committee Helping design a loan program Assisting in marketing or fundraising Providing technical skills such as human resources, IT, legal, or other expertise

17 Steps to Partnerships Understand CRA Understand the local market
Understand local banks Identify your sources of influence Talk with bankers

18 Concentric Circles of Opportunity
Actual Market Share Market Share Available with Extra Effort Labor Intensive but Bankable Deals Deals Bankable if Enhanced Universe of Economic Needs

19 CRA Modernization Timeline to today
March 22, EGRPRA Report to Congress April 3, Treasury Department Recommendations August 28, 2018 – OCC issues ANPR November 19, end of 75-day comment period Approximately 1,500 comments received Comments on ANPR are being reviewed now OCC Goal: pursue modernization with the other agencies Watch for a proposed rule and comment period

20 CRA Resources FFIEC CRA Website OCC CRA Webpage
Exam Schedules, Procedures, Asset Size Thresholds, Link to Q&As FFIEC CRA Ratings Search: OCC CRA Webpage Resources, Procedures, Examination schedule OCC CRA Ratings Search: OCC Community Affairs Publications

21 CRA Resources What is the Community Reinvestment Act?
The Small and Intermediate Small Bank CRA Examination Leading Practices for Effective CRA Programs CRA Community Development Defined

22 Contact Information Contact Information: Paul Ginger, District Community Affairs Officer Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

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