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8th Grade American Government & Georgia Studies Syllabus

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1 8th Grade American Government & Georgia Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Bell- Langford Middle School Course Description Course Outline 1st Semester- American Government Unit 1- Four Weeks: Foundations: Constitution Unit 2- Three Weeks: The Legislative Branch Unit 3- Two Weeks: The Executive Branch Unit 4- Four Weeks: Judicial Branch Unit 5- One Week: Civic Responsibility American Government/Civics The government course provides students with a background in the philosophy, functions, and structure of the United States government. Students examine the philosophical foundations of the United States government and how that philosophy developed. Students also examine the structure and function of the United States government and its relationship to states and citizens. Grading Course Description Grades in this class are determined on your performance in four different categories. Each category is weighted, so it is important to do your very best in each. Georgia Studies In eighth grade, students study Georgia geography, history, government, and economics. While the four strands are interwoven, ample opportunity is also provided for in-depth study of the geography of Georgia and the government of Georgia. U.S. historical events are included, as appropriate, to ensure students understand Georgia’s role in the history of the United States. Course Outline 2nd Semester- Georgia Studies Unit 1- Three Weeks: Geography of Georgia to Colonization Unit 2- Five Weeks: Statehood, Civil War, Reconstruction, A New South Unit 3- Three Weeks: The 20th Century: WWI through Post WWII, Unit 4- Three Weeks: Civil Rights to Modern Georgia Unit 5- One Week: Personal Finance I follow a standard numerical grading. The computer will automatically round up semester grades that are within .05 points of the higher grade.  All grades will be posted online in Infinite Campus weekly. Want to know how your child is doing in my class? Check Infinite Campus. A 90-100% B 80-89% C 75-79% D 70-74% F 69% and below Late Work Academic Honesty Students will receive 70% of points earned for late work submitted within the first three days of the initial due date. Any assignments submitted after the third day will receive 25% credit for late work turned in within the grading term. I will not accept late work from a previous grading term. Cheating (on tests, assignments, essays, etc.) will result in a zero upon the first offense. Further offenses may result in disciplinary action.

2 8th Grade American Government & Georgia Studies
Mrs. Bell- Langford Middle School- Room Number 228 Missed Work Required Materials Test quizzes and regular assignments are to be made up at the discretion of the teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding make-up work. Students who fail to see the teacher and schedule a time to make-up missed work may receive a grade of zero for that assignment or test. A student only has 5 days to make-up work. However, pre-assigned essays and/or projects will be due on the day of return. 3-subject Spiral Notebook Loose-leaf paper Pencils Highlighter Colored Pencils It is expected that you come to class everyday with these materials ready to learn. Rules Extra Credit If the opportunity for extra credit is given it will only be given for the entire class. At no time will individual students ever be afforded the opportunity to do “extra credit”. Follow all teacher’s instructions. Quietly enter the classroom. Respect yourself and others in speech and behavior. No food or drinks in class. Be prepared with ALL materials every day. Raise your hand to get out of your seat. 7. No cell phones or other electronics in class. Parent/Teacher Conferences ALL conferences, IEPs and 504s must be scheduled through the Guidance department. Call Classroom Visits Parents that are on the student’s information sheet may visit the classroom for observations ONLY. This is not an impromptu conference time. Technology All cell phones should be turned off and stored away in your belongings. Students are not allowed to use personal electronics (cell phones, iPods, etc.) in class unless directed to do so by the teacher for instructional purposes only. Violations will result in confiscation of student’s cell phone. Remind (Join according to the class period your child has me) 3rd period Enter Text 4th period Enter Text 5th period Enter Text 6th period Enter Text Medications Outside Reading & I-Ready If your child is to take any medications during the school day he or she must go to the nurse to do so. Proper documentation must be completed with the original bottle that the medication was purchased in or prescribed in. Forms can be picked up from the nurse. Students need to read some type of text and complete at least 45 minutes per day of I-Ready.

3 8th Grade American Government & Georgia Studies
Mrs. Bell- Langford Middle School Welcome Welcome class of 2023! My name is Rhonda Bell and I will be your Georgia Studies/American Government teacher. This is my first year at Langford, but I have been teaching since Teaching has brought me so much joy and seeing the faces of students every day is what makes this career even easier. You’ve made it to 8th grade, this is it! I am so excited to be on this journey with you. You are the seniors of Langford Middle; so, look forward to a year of hard work, dedication, determination and excellence. As you read over the syllabus please initial on the check list, complete and sign where needed and cut this bottom portion of the page and return to Mrs. Bell. tomorrow. Checklist __________ 1. We have reviewed the academic dishonesty and late work policies. __________ 2. I have an Infinite Campus account AND I understand that this is where I go to view my child’s grades. __________ 3. I understand that if my child is absent he/she is responsible for all missed work. __________ 4. I further understand that my child must come to class every day ready to learn. __________ 5. I understand that if I need to set up a conference I must call the guidance department to do so. Teachers DO NOT set up conferences. __________ I understand that I am welcomed to visit the class at any time but this visit IS NOT a parent conference. __________ I have reviewed the class rules and expectations. __________ I understand that extra credit will only be given to the entire class __________ I have joined the Remind group for my child’s class. Join using your child’s name please. (ex. Parent of John Johnson) Signatures Student’s Name: ____________________________________________ ( Please Print) Period: (circle one) Parent/Guardians Name: ________________________________________________________ (Please Print) ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature(s) Phone Number: ________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

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