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Interesting facts about…

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1 Interesting facts about…


3 Did you know that dolphins tend to sleep with one eye open?

4 Did you know a cat has 32 muscles in each ear?

5 Did you know a bear has 42 teeth?

6 African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food with.

7 The slowest fish is the Sea Horse.

8 Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them.

9 Animals also are either right-handed or left-handed
Animals also are either right-handed or left-handed. Polar bears are left-handed.

10 The giant squid has the biggest eyes of any animal.

11 You will never find two tigers with similar stripe markings.

12  The world’s smallest dog is the Chihuahua, which means “tiny dog in the sky.”

13 Did you know birds need at least 8 hours of sleep per night?

14 Snails can live for 3years without waking up.

15 Owls are the only birds that can see the colour blue.

16 A camel can drink 90 litres of water in just 10 minutes.

17 Sharks lay the biggest eggs in the world.

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