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Students should have more breaks during the school day.

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1 Students should have more breaks during the school day.
March 7th, Please staple your works cited to the back of your paper and make sure to write your name, roster number and class period in the top right hand corner if you did not type it there. Keep it at your desk until I can collect them. Write a hook (no rhetorical questions) for the claim you wrote yesterday. Fill any remaining space with context. Students should have more breaks during the school day. Schools should adopt a four day work week. College Athletes should be paid. Cell phones should be banned from elementary and middle schools. Schools should offer real life training courses for students. Students should be divided into classes based on whether or not they produce work and complete assignments. College should be free for students who score in the top 1% on College Board testing like the ACT or SAT and have a high GPA.

2 Quizizz Codes – Take one time only. Get out your notes
Quizizz Codes – Take one time only! Get out your notes. You may use your notes. Speed does not play a part in your score. You must use your first and last name with no symbols, or you will have to start over. 1st period – 2nd Period – 3rd Period – 4th Period – 5th Period

3 Standards Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

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