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Discussions on DA with tune scan

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1 Discussions on DA with tune scan
G.H. Wei, V.S. Morozov, Fanglei Lin Y. Nosochkov (SLAC), M-H. Wang JLEIC Nonlinear R&D Meeting, JLAB, Jan F. Lin

2 Outlines Methods for dynamic aperture study with tune scan.
X scan with a y offset for dynamic aperture study with tune scan

3 dynamic aperture with tune scan.
5 line scan, then make a map for each line, or a map for a average value of the 5 values? Tune scan range (25.0, 23.0)  (25.5, 23.5) is enough don’t need (25.0, 23.0)  (26.0, 24.0)? Basic DA scan method

4 dynamic aperture with tune scan.
Turns used for DA with tune scan For electron ring because of synchrotron radiation, 5,000 turns are enough for DA scan? For ion ring Because of nonlinear effects, 100,000 turns are needed? Basic DA scan method

5 X scan with a Y offset (ELEGANT)
1000 particles in (-1 mm, 1 mm) with a Y offset of 1 micron, turns, simulation for (25.0, 23.0)  (25.5, 23.5) with 0.02 as a step, 12 hours  only 2 point finished (25.0, 23.0) & (25.0, 23.02) 625 points means > 3600 hours considering a cluster with 16 cpu, 100,000 turns, hours/16 = 225 hours ~90 days (25.0, 23.0)

6 X scan with a Y offset (ELEGANT)
½ and 2 times method: one point simulation, start from (1 m, 1 m). If it survives, we do (2 m, 1 m), and then (4 m, 1 m). If it dies, we do (1/2 m, 1 m)…

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