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DCN: Title: Liaison Report for Date Submitted: January 17, 2013 Contributed to IEEE on January 17, 2013 Authors or Source(s): Clint Chaplin, Liaison (Samsung) Abstract: This document is the liaison report on
IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements
This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as stated in Section 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board bylaws < and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development
802.11 Groups 802.11ac – Very High Throughput <6GHz
Successor to n at frequencies less than 6GHz 802.11ad – Very High Throughput 60GHz Successor to n at 60GHz 802.11af – TVWS TV White Space 802.11ah – Sub-1GHz Sub-1GHz Operation 802.11ai – Fast Link Setup Speed up initial link setup 802.11aj – CMMW 802.11mc – New Maintenance group (compilation of all approved amendments) Working towards
IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline
May 2011 doc.: IEEE /0483r0 January 2013 IEEE Standards Pipeline MAC GLK 802.11AK PAD 802.11AQ 802.11aa Video Transport 802.11ai FILS Smart Grid 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames WNG ah 802.11af TVWS 802.11aj 802.11ac VHT 5GHz 802.11ad VHT 60 GHz PHY Discussion Topics Study groups Published Amendment Published Standard TG without Approved draft WG Letter Ballot Sponsor Ballot Slide 4 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Slide 4 Page 4 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
802.11 TGac Very High Throughput <6GHz
Second Recirculation WG ballot LB190 on IEEE ac D4.0 closed November 1, Results: 242/15/ % 252 comments received: 103 technical, 149 editorial, 0 general Resolved all comments Going to recirculation ballot Osama Aboul-Magd
802.11 TGad Very High Throughput 60GHz
Published Eldad Perahia
TGaf TV White Space Second Initial WG Ballot LB189 on draft 2.0 closed August 19, Results 163/43/ % Received 998 comments: 595 technical, 316 editorial, 87 general comments. Finished addressing all the comments (this time for sure) Will go out for recirculation after this meeting Rich Kennedy 7
802.11 TGah Less than 1GHz Work continued on specification framework
Update to the spec framework adopted ah-specification-framework-for-tgah.docx 20 Specification framework submissions presented and passed 20 motions to update the specification framework document. Hoping to go to internal task group ballot on draft in March 2013 Dave Halasz 8
802.11 TGai Fast Initial Authentication
8 regular slots and 1 adhoc slots were held. 31 Contributions for Spec Text & Presentations Scanning 21 Security 8 Other 2 10 Technical motions ( 9 passed/ 1 failed) Approximately 80 pages draft of spec-text-documentation were approved Hiroshi Mano (needs to be updated) 9
TGaj China MM-Wave Meeting January 23-24, 2013 in Shenzen, China Xiaoming PENG 10
Donald Eastlake (needs to be updated)
802.11ak General Link New Task Group Accomplishments The Study Group made a minor change to its draft PAR (leaving the 5C unchanged) in response to a comment, resulting in r1. The new PAR draft was approved by the working group at the mid-week plenary. The draft minutes of GLK will be in r1 and an annotated agenda is in /r7. Thanks to Yan ZHUANG who served as Secretary for this meeting. Presentations “SG Presentation: CSN and BSS Bridging”, r0, Philippe Klein (Broadcom) “Data reflection: What needs from ”, Norm Finn (Cisco) “Picking a model for /802.1 bridging”, v04.pdf , Norm Finn (Cisco) Donald Eastlake (needs to be updated) 11
802.11aq Pre-Association Discovery
New Task Group Summary Continued discussion on scope & purpose, resulting in: r6 (PAR) r6 (5C) Generated a liaison ( r1) to Wi-Fi Alliance sharing the PAR document; pending approval by EC & NesCom Updated use case & requirements doc ( r0) No teleconferences Plans for January 2013 Call for Presentations Draft Timeline & Officer Elections Stephen McCann (needs to be updated) 12
802.11 TGmc 802.11 Accumulated Maintenance Changes
Continued processing comments received in the recent Call for Comments on IEEE Std ™-2012 372 comments (106 editorial) Approximately 150 comments are resolved, 220 remain to be resolved Editor has prepared TGmc D0.0 = TGmc D0.1 = ae TGmc D0.2 = aa TGmc D0.3 = D0.2+editorial defect fixes TGmc D0.4 = D0.3 + September 2012 approved comments TGmc D0.5 = D4.0 + speculative editorial comment resolutions Planning on first WG ballot January 2013 Dorothy Stanley (needs to be updated) 13
802.11 WNG Wireless Next Generation SC
Four presentations at January 2013 meeting 802.11: Looking Ahead to the Future – Part II ( wng looking-ahead-to-the-future-part-ii.pptx) – Osama Aboul-Magd Applications and Requirements for Next Generation WLAN ( wng-applications-and-requirements-for-next-generation-wlan.pptx) - Huai-Rong Shao A Physical-layer Network Coding Relay scheme for IEEE ( wng-a-physical-layer-network-coding-relay-scheme-for-ieee ppt) – Joint Coding and Modulation Diversity for the Next Generation WLAN ( wng-joint-coding-and-modulation-diversity-for-the-next-generation-wlan.ppt) – May start special BOF sessions. Clint Chaplin
Still a number of proposals from China national body to replace or amend various 802 standards. Unclear if they will move forward in the future. SC6 has agreed to delegate responsibility of the revision of 8802 standards to IEEE 802 on condition that IEEE 802 have a mechanism set up that allows SC6 national bodies to participate in the revision process. is now published as ISO :2012 Andrew Myles (needs to be updated)
Rich Kennedy (needs to be updated)
Regulatory SC Regulatory Summaries North America US FCC NPRM TV band auctions, rebanding and TVWS New testing KDBs including SAR and RF Exposure Opening the 5350 – 5470 MHz and 5850 to 5925 MHz bands Sharing the 4940 to 4990 MHz spectrum (comment period closed) NPRM to resolve TDWR issue still in process (January/February) Proceeding to enable sharing of 3550 to 3650 MHz due this month(?) FCC mHealth initiative planned Canada Proposed rules for unlicensed TVWS use European Union EC On 17th October 2012 the Commission adopted a proposal for the revision of the R&TTE Directive ETSI The Lufthansa DA2GC project status – 2.4 GHz band excluded Latest ETSI BRAN TVWS meeting was held September 10th – 12th Progress on EN – now at v0.0.10 Next ETSI BRAN meeting December 5th ERM TG11 Progress on EN v1.9.1 Industrial Automation pressing for geo-location to define industrial areas CEPT SE43 documents on Reconfigurable Radio Systems in the TVWS out for comment UK Ofcom TVWS to continue conference calls to provide input to BRAN Ofcom VNS plan to follow EU member nation approval of EN Asia NICT demonstrating database-controlled use of TV spectrum TVWS being evaluated in Singapore and Korea Singapore to take it commercial in 2013 Korea adopting rules patterned after FCC Part Japan opening 5 GHz band channel size for ac in March MIIT China studying 5 GHz band opening for unlicensed use Rich Kennedy (needs to be updated)
Architecture SC Brief update on General Links (GLK SC) and bridging discussions Clarified that MSDUs in an A-MSDU are still LLC format (not Ethertype) Noted that P ballot closed Nov 23 submitted comments, but they seem to have gotten lost(?) - investigating IETF/802 coordination Reviewed RFC 4441 update. No comments. Will request a WG ePoll to collect comments on the next revision 802 Overview and Architecture Draft 1.6 letter ballot Very few comments received working on it off-line (no face-to-face meetings), probably going to Sponsor Ballot next. Architecture of APs/DS/Portals, and concepts Spent considerable time reviewing all the related concepts, trying to relate to concepts in ’s architecture description See 11-13/0115 for discussion Mark Hamilton 17
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