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Warm-up Questions What do you call a relative that lived in the past?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Questions What do you call a relative that lived in the past?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Questions What do you call a relative that lived in the past?
What is a hominid? Notice: You need your coloring pencils today!

2 The Stone Ages The Stone Age Ancient Civilizations
Mr. Hollingsworth’s World History Monday – August 21, 2017

3 Alabama Course of Study
Explain how artifacts and other archaeological findings provide evidence of the nature and movement of prehistoric groups of people. Identify terms used to describe characteristics of early societies and family structures.

4 Today’s Learning Targets
I will be able to use the academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I will identify the physical and cultural features of this region on a map.

5 Warm-up Questions What do you call a relative who lived in the past?
ancestor What is a hominid? An early ancestor of humans

6 Map Assignment You will now receive the map for this unit. Remember: It goes on page 1 of your notebook. Make sure you copy down the map items listed on the board.

7 PreAP – Postcards As you are working on the map assignment, we will continue working on your Postcards from the Edge activity.

8 Today’s Learning Targets
I can use the academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can identify the physical and cultural features of this region on a map.

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