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Subject-Verb Agreement

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Presentation on theme: "Subject-Verb Agreement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject-Verb Agreement

2 The subject and verb in a sentence must agree, or work together.
A singular subject needs a singular verb. A plural subject needs a plural verb.

3 Use the following rules for verbs that tell about the present
time. If the subject is a singular noun or he, she, or it, add -s or -es to most verbs. Examples: The planet glows. The scientist teaches school. He works hard.

4 • If the subject is compound, a plural noun, or I, you, we, or they, do not add -s or -es to the verb. Examples: The planets glow. The scientist and the assistant teach school. They work hard.

5 For the verb be, use am and is to agree with singular subjects and are to agree with plural subjects. Examples: I am a scientist. My father is on the moon. The planets are visible. We are on Earth.

6 A collective noun names a group, such as family, team, and class.
A collective noun is singular if it refers to a group acting as one: The class is waiting for takeoff. A collective noun is plural if it refers to members of the group acting individually: The class are choosing their seats.

7 A compound subject joined by and takes a plural verb.
The teacher watches the presentation. The students watch the presentation. The teacher and students watch the presentation.

8 Let’s try some together p. 98 in Grammar and Writing
Do the subject and verb in each sentence agree? A shaft of light blinds me. Supplies costs the settlers more on the moon. The group understands the importance of water. The ferry move slowly from its loading dock. The kids on the moon was having a party.

9 p. 145 1. Horses and ponies (is, are) important to people.
2. Often a horse and rider (become, becomes) good friends. 3. In many different jobs, a horse (work, works) hard. 4. Some farmers (plow, plows) their fields with horses. 5. Horses (is, are) helpful to ranchers.

10 p. 146 6. Horses _________ different in size, color, strength, and speed. (be) 7. The largest horses __________ six feet tall. (stand) 8. A very large horse _________ a weight of up to two thousand pounds. (reach) 9. A pony __________ a horse under fifty-eight inches tall. (be) 10. The workhorse and the racehorse ___________ special abilities. (have) 11. The workhorse often ___________ extremely heavy loads. (pull) 12. A racehorse ___________ faster than thirty miles per hour. (run) 13. The coats of pintos __________ splashed with color. (appear) 14. For this reason, people __________ them “paints.” (call)

11 p. 146 15. Often police officers __________ horses in their work. (ride) 16. Ranchers _________ great distance on horseback. (cover) 17. A horse __________ good and bad treatment. (remember) 18. A good rider _________ a horse with patience. (treat) 19. These animals _________ people in many ways. (help)

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