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The Vietnam War 1945 - 1975.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vietnam War 1945 - 1975."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vietnam War

2 Overview Keep communism from spreading.
3 million soldiers sent, 60,000 killed, 304,000 wounded $150 billion Divided a country for years

3 Ho Chi Minh B. 1890, wanted communism to come to Vietnam.
Created a league for independence: Vietminh Began a guerilla war vs. Japan


5 Ho Chi Minh

6 U.S. Intervention Truman would not recognize Ho’s state.
Backed French at retaking the country. ($15 Million) Began paying for France’s war: 80%, would send no troops Eisenhower feared a domino effect

7 Fall of Dien Bien Phu Defeat of the French (1954)

8 U.S. refuse to allow the Vietnamese to have a country wide vote.
Supported Ngo Dinh Diem for control. He was more repressive than Minh.


10 Buddhist Protest against Diem government 1963


12 Revolutionary Groups Vietminh: North Vietcong: South

13 U.S. Response Kennedy Ok’s overthrow of Diem
Diem finally surrenders, and is murdered 16,000 “advisors” in the country by 1963 Johnson escalates conflict much further

14 Duong Van Minh coup 1963

15 Nguyen Cao Ky military dictatorship 1965



18 War Escalates Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964):
President can reply as he sees fit By 1965 there are 100,000 troops in Vietnam Johnson orders bombing of North Vietnam By 1967, 500,000 troops


20 Major Problem Who the heck is the enemy? p.738
U.S. is losing war, Johnson sends in more troops, and more machines Cannot find the V.C. Win the hearts of the countryside, guerrillas will have nowhere to hide

21 By 1967; 3 million refugees in S.V. Search and destroy missions
“We had to destroy the town in order to save it.” Napalm and Agent Orange

22 War Protests at home

23 Protest in many different ways:
Marches Protest rallies Protest songs by popular artists Violent eruptions Civil disobedience


25 Robert F. Kennedy

26 Hubert H. Humphrey

27 Campaign of 1968

28 Kent State Massacre (5/4/70)




32 Allison Krause 350 feet away shot through the arm and chest
                                     Allison Krause 350 feet away shot through the arm and chest Jeff Miller 275 feet away shot through the head Sandy Scheuer 400 feet away shot through the throat Bill Schroeder 400 feet away shot in the back


34 Results of protests 200,000 accused of draft dodging
4,000 sent to prison Thousands of people injured or killed No change in Johnson’s policy

35 Tet Offensive (1968) V.C. launch a major attack on a cease fire day.
Attack 100 cities at once Shocks U.S. civilians and leaders In Hue, 2,000 civilians murdered By now Johnson’s ratings: 35%

36 US Marines retake Hue Tet Offensive







43 The End of the War Johnson does not run in ’68
Due to total loss of backing Decides to finally negotiate a ceasefire Nixon wins election Begins withdrawing troops (60,000)

44 Nixon favors Vietnamization
Peace with honor By 1972, only 25,000 troops were left 1/27/73 first settlement reached 4/30/75 Saigon falls


46 Vietnam Today

47 Memories of Vietnam




51 Ch. 23

52 United Farm Workers Founded by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta
Used Non violence

53 Grape Boycott 1965 Large farms would not recognize the union
Went nation wide to convince supermarkets and consumers not to buy grapes 1970 contract between UFW and Grape growers

54 Brown Berets Organized walkouts in East LA High schools
Wanted smaller classes, more Chicano teachers and administrators Programs to reduce the dropout rate

55 La Raza Unida Mexican-Americans United Political party
Ran candidates in 5 state elections

56 Native Americans Were seen as one group when really many different nations Had a history of being the poorest Had highest unemployment rate High rate of TB and Alcoholism

57 Termination 1954 Tribal governments terminated
Moved off of reservations and into Urban cities Goal was the combat the poverty

58 American Indian Movement
Not satisfied with the slow reform Militant Began as a self defense group against police brutality

59 Trail of Broken Treaties March
1972 Protest all the treaties that had been made and broken by the US government Wanted an end to the BIA Occupied the BIA




63 Women Fight for Equality
Ch. 23 Section 2 Women Fight for Equality

64 Women 12% in 1950 had jobs, 40% by end of 1970’s Women’s roles change
Had to have a job Divorce rates skyrocket Fewer children

65 National Organization for Women Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique
Feminist movement National Organization for Women Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique Need fulfillment other than marriage

66 NOW National Organization of Women Pushed for the creation of
child-care facilities End of sex-segregated job ads

67 Equal Rights Amendment
Gave men and women the same rights under the law Introduced in 1923 not passed until 1972, but still needed to be ratified

68 Stop-ERA Led by Phyllis Schlafly and other conservatives
Feared ERA would lead to Drafting of women End of laws protecting homemakers End of the husbands responsibility to provide for his family Same sex marriage

69 Culture and Counterculture
Ch. 23 Section 3 Culture and Counterculture

70 Counterculture Mostly white middle class college age youth
Did not challenge system Wanted to create a whole new society

71 Hippie Culture Drug Use Communes
Both eventually led to the down fall of the movement

72 Andy Warhol

73 Woodstock music and art fair

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