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Unix Scripting Session 2 March 13, 2008.

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1 Unix Scripting Session 2 March 13, 2008

2 Tangent: Text Editors nano or pico – Really easy to use, not much power, but good for starting scripting. Emergency exit: Control-X vi – Preferred editor for Unix admins, powerful but learning curve involved. Emergency exit: Escape key followed by :q! emacs – Incredibly powerful, menu bar available in window mode, text mode can be challenging. Emergency exit: Control-X Control-C Other choices: gedit (X/GNOME), dtpad (X/CDE), vim/gvim (many including Windows)

3 Basic Shell Statements
Variable assignment: name="george" count="5" today=`date` Variable unassignment: unset name Do basic math on a variable: counter=`expr $counter + 1` Read from standard input (usually console): read answer Print text: echo "Your name is $name"

4 Basic Shell Statements
Conditional Execution: if .. elif .. else .. fi case word in pattern) .. ;; ... esac Loops and Iteration: for name in words; do .. done while list do; .. done

5 if … fi The “if” statement provides conditional execution of commands:
count=5 if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then echo "Nothing left to do" fi name="Herbert" if [ "$name" != "George" ]; then echo "You're not George. I will name you George."

6 if … fi When doing text comparisons, always put variables inside double-quotes: name="" if [ $name != "George" ]; then echo "You're not George. I will name you George." fi “test: argument expected” is an error you may see a lot of at first. Because variable substitution happens early in the process, the above reduces to: if [ != "George" ]; then To be safe, put all variables in double quotes. It won’t hurt. Don’t use single quotes, variables aren’t expanded in them.

7 Test Test operators (located inside the square brackets) are described in the man page for “test”, not “sh”. Common String Test operators: Numeric String Equality $a –eq $b "$a" = "$b" Not Equal $a –ne $b "$a" != "$b" Greater Than $a –gt $b Less Than $a –lt $b Empty String -z "$a" Non-Empty String -n "$a"

8 Test Common File Test operators: Joining test operators:
File Exists -f "$a" Directory Exists -d "$a" Symlink Exists -h "$a" File is Readable -r "$a" File is Writeable -w "$a" File is Executable -x "$a“ Negate any of the above ! –f "$a" Joining test operators: File Exists and is readable: if [ -f "$a" –a –r "$a" ]; then File is a file or a directory: if [ -f "$a" –o –d "$a" ]; then

9 if … elif … else … fi The “if” statement can provide alternative actions if the condition isn’t met: read response if [ "$response" = "yes" ]; then echo "We want to do that." elif [ "$response" = "no" ]; then echo "We don't want to do that." else echo "Huh?" fi

10 case … esac The “case” statement can evaluate alternate results for the same condition, and can also use file matching wildcard patterns: read response case "$response" in [Yy]*) echo "We want to do that." ;; [Nn]*) echo "We don't want to do that." ;; *) echo "Huh?" ;; esac

11 Getting Loopy The “for” loop: The “while” loop:
for file in a b c d e; do echo "$file" done The “while” loop: done="no" while [ "$done" = "no" ]; do read magicword if [ "$magicword" = "plugh" ]; then done="yes" fi

12 I/O Redirection One of the most powerful features of Unix
Three standard I/O channels: 0 – Standard Input (stdin) 1 – Standard Output (stdout) 2 – Standard Error Output (stderr) Redirect a file into a command using stdin: grep SENS < myreport Redirect command output into a file using stdout: ps –ef > processes Redirect input and output using stdin and stdout: grep SENS < infile > outfile

13 I/O Redirection Redirect stdout and stderr into the same file:
grep SENS reports/* > out 2>&1 Redirect stdout and stderr into different files: grep SENS reports/* > out 2> badstuff Print to stderr instead of stdout: echo "It all went wrong!" 1>&2

14 Pipes Pipes take the output of one command and makes it the input of another command: Print just the year from the date command: date | awk -e '{print $6;}' date | cut –c 25-28 date "+%Y" Show how many processes are running: ps -e | wc -l Show how many processes I’m running: ps -ef | grep yearke | wc -l ps –fu yearke | wc –l The concept of the pipe is one of the fundamental underpinnings of Unix.

15 Semi-Practical Example 2.1
What side of the Node am I in? #!/bin/sh cd homedir=`pwd` case "$homedir" in /nsm/home/*) side="Natural Sciences and Math" ;; /eng/home/*) side="Engineering School" ;; *) side="Unknown" ;; esac if [ "$side" = "Unknown" ]; then echo "I'm sorry, I cannot determine your affilation." else echo "Your affiliation is the $side part of SENS." fi

16 Semi-Practical Example 2.2
Examine some files in the current directory: #!/bin/sh counter=0 for file in t*; do if [ -f "$file" -a -w "$file" ]; then counter=`expr $counter + 1` fi done echo "There are $counter writeable files starting with 't'."

17 Homework Write a script that runs on a Solaris 10 or Linux system (the unix.eng timeshares are great for this) and counts the number of files and directories under the “/etc” directory. You do not need to traverse subdirectories and enumerate files and directories under them, just the count under the top-level of “/etc” will be sufficient.

18 Links Current Solaris Bourne Shell man page:
An Introduction to the Unix Shell: The Unix Programming Environment:

19 Next Time Argument Clinic Child/Parent issues (environment)
A lurking “gotcha” in loops

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