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- Kick-off meeting - ERANET Cofund BlueBio WP4 (Leader: AEI)

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1 - Kick-off meeting - ERANET Cofund BlueBio WP4 (Leader: AEI)
29 January 2019 Oslo (RCN)

2 Introduction to WP4: Follow-up and monitoring of projects resulting from the co-funded call
M1-M60 Lead by AEI, participated by RCN, ETAg, Jülich, GSRT, MIUR, FCT and UEFISCDI Aim: to analyse and evaluate the co-funded call and monitor and follow-up the progress of the cofunded projects through the following actions: Design of a methodology and common set of KPIs alongside the launch of the co-funded call; Online monitoring of funded projects (JUELICH´s platform) and development of a common reporting procedure. Collection and assessment of results through written follow-up reports; 2 follow-up seminars (mid-term and final) for co-funded projects; In collaboration with WP5, to develop KPIs for assessment of short, mid- and long-term impact evaluation at the end of co-funded projects.

3 Milestones: Two Milestones are foreseen in WP4.
MS5: Mid-term Project Seminar Due date is M33 (July 2021) MS6: Final Porject Seminar Due date is M51 (February 2023)

4 Deliverables: D4.1: Report on the methodology and list of KPIs for the monitoring and evaluation of the co- funded projects [M11] (RCN) D4.2: Mid-term and final report templates for monitoring the funded projects [M21] (RCN) D4.3: Mid-term report validated, collected and distributed to the CSC [M34] (AEI) D4.4: End-term report validated collected and distributed to the CSC [M53] (AEI) D4.5: Assessment report of potential impact of projects under the co-funded call [M59] (RCN) D4.6: Final list of the projects funded [M60] (AEI) Information and details about each implemented project, including data on each participant and overview of the results, based on ERA-LEARN templates

5 Tasks: Task 4.1 Preparation of monitoring procedures, definition and development of a common set of KPIs (Lead: UEFISCDI; Support: RCN, GSRT) The task leader will develop KPIs for monitoring the projects Experience gathered within ERA-LEARN and PLATFORM among others. The set of KPIs will be embedded in the design of report templates to be used by PCs. The methodology (based on national systems and shared best practices) will be used to provide up-to-date progress information to be used by RFO and EC if relevant. The template for reports will include information on the status of the work and achievement of the scientific objectives, as well as any possible administrative issue. PCs will be required to submit a mid-term report and a final report using that template.

6 check mid-term status according to initial plan and milestones;
Task 4.2 (1/2) Online monitoring of funded projects through an existing online platform and development of a common reporting procedure. Collection and assessment of results through written follow-up reports. (Lead: AEI; Support: JUELICH, all) At national level, partners will monitor funded projects in respect of their programme regulations. At transnational level, the monitoring tool developed by JUELICH will be used. Report templates based on T4.1. The tool respects the appropriate use of material and data (H2020 guidelines). Mid-term report: submitted by PCs, it will summarise the status of work, the progress in scientific objectives and administrative issues (if any). Objectives: check mid-term status according to initial plan and milestones; Monitor progress and identify delays; take action if delay occurs. Reports will be reviewed by the Call Evaluation Panel/external evaluators appointed by the CSC. PCs will be required to join Mid-term Seminar (M33) and present progress.

7 Task 4.2 (2/2) (Lead: AEI; Support: JUELICH, all) Final report: submitted by PCs, the aim is to obtain an overview of the results achieved by projects as well as the global outputs of the co-funded call. Final review panel identical to mid-term evaluation panel. If not possible, external evaluators appointed by the CSC; PCs will be asked to join the Final Review Seminar (M51) and present results; The final review panel will evaluate the work reported and presented and prepare a short, written report to the CSC. Representatives of industry will join the Mid-term and Final Review Seminars. Industry- relevant projects can exchange with business developers and practitioners. Projects from COFASP and ERA-MBT will also be invited to join both events. The evaluation will also give the chance to identify strategic areas of scientific development to prepare next steps towards supporting Blue Bioeconomy in the future.

8 to discuss the projects´ progress and results;
Task 4.3 Preparation of monitoring procedures, definition and development of a common set of KPIs (Lead: FCT; Support: GSRT) 2 seminars: mid-term (M33) and final (M51) [Still tbd who organises which] Main objectives: to discuss the projects´ progress and results; to facilitate information exchange and networking between projects, funding agencies and stakeholders; to collect feedback and ideas for the further development of BlueBio. Researchers involved in the funded projects will be requested to attend both seminars (travel and accommodation costs foreseen from own budgets when submitting their proposals). The seminars will seek to seize the opportunity to bring together researchers, industry, academia and policy-makers in the blue bio-economy sector. Link with T7.2 T7.2 will also organise a BlueBio kick-off meeting for funded projects. WP4 will then inform about expectations and obligations related to follow-up and monitoring of the co-funded projects. In the interest of reaching out to a wider community, seminars will be organised back-to-back to other international events (when possible). Also through WP7, projects will be invited to focused workshops with thematically related projects.

9 This task is an analysis of its potential impact.
Task 4.4 Development of KPIs for assessment of short, mid- and long-term impact evaluation (Lead: RCN; Support: All) This task is an analysis of its potential impact. T4.2 will feed into this task. T4.4 looks beyond immediate results to see how the cofund call and the projects contributed to the overall goals of BlueBio. In addition to mid-term and final reports, the projects will provide data on impact via a questionnaire, based on a set of KPIs (not the same of T4.1!) for assessment of short, mid and long-term impact evaluation. KPIs and questionnaire will be based on experience gathered within ERA-LEARN and PLATFORM. These data as well as qualitative data generated through interviews will be the basis for assessment of impacts. The data collected, together with final reports and outcomes of final seminar will be analysed in depth and compiled into an Impact Assessment report, which will further help assess progress in addressing EU targets for the sector of Blue Bioeconomy. The IA report will be made publicly available and used for dissemination and communication.

10 Requests for participation from other partners
At this point all tasks in WP4 have a leading partner T4.1  UEFISCDI (Romania) T4.2  AEI (Spain) T4.3  FCT (Portugal) T4.4  RCN (Norway) Also some other partners are strongly involved for a number of reasons JUELICH - online platform GSRT - organises either the mid-term or final seminar (to be agreed with FCT and AEI) We may need other partners for any other aspect to be considered in WP4: Contribution to development of KPIs, sharing best practices Reaching out to industry and other stakeholders for seminars´ attendance, How to best connect with ERA-MBT and COFASP projects, etc. (open to discussion)

11 Thank you! AEI - WP4 leader

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